Acoustic imaging in aeroacoustic applications: principles of beamforming and recent developments 20. Juli 2022 | 16:45 Uhr - 18:15 Uhr

How can we see sound? How can we see the invisible? Our ears are quite good at determining the direction in which sound comes from because the sound would arrive first in the ear closer to the sound source and, after a small time delay, in the other ear. If we extend this idea to microphone arrays (also known as acoustic cameras) and use the time delays between microphones in a smart way, we can achieve acoustic imaging. This talk will review the basics of acoustic imaging, including the signal processing theory needed, the basics of acoustics, and also show some applications in the field of aeroacoustics, such as measurements of aircraft flyover noise at airports, experiments in aeroacoustic wind tunnels, and three-dimensional sound source localization. Some state-of-the-art advance methods that improve the results obtained will also be introduced.
Dr.-Ing. Roberto Merino-Martinez is an assistant professor at the Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects section of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology, where he also obtained his PhD and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the fields of acoustic imaging with microphone arrays, aircraft noise, wind turbine noise, aeroacoustics. He is also a part-time consultant in aeroacoustics for the Dutch company Peutz bv. Recently he has also been working in the field of psychoacoustics and noise reduction measures for aircraft and wind turbines.
Die Vortragsreihe greift ausgewählte Spezialgebiete der Akustik auf und wird durch zwei einführende Vorlesungen in die Grundlagen der Akustik eingeleitet. Die Vortragenden kommen sowohl aus dem universitären Forschungsumfeld als auch aus der industriellen Anwendung und präsentieren ihre Arbeitsgebiete und damit eine Vielzahl verschiedener Aspekte der Akustik auf anschauliche Weise.
Dieses Jahr wird die Veranstaltung in einem hybriden Format durchgeführt. Auf diese Weise wird es Ihnen freistehen online oder – soweit die Regeln es zulassen – in Präsenz an den Vorträgen teilzunehmen.
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- Präsenzteilnahme: Hörsaal PK 11.2, Pockelsstr. 11, Haus der Wissenschaft
- Onlineteilnahme: Webex, Kennnummer 2732 377 9797, Passwort Ringvorlesung, Meetinglink:
Dr.-Ing. Roberto Merino-Martinez, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology
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