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Complex Traveler Preferences in Multi-Modal Routing 20. Januar 2022 | 16:00 Uhr - 17:30 Uhr

Under the umbrella of mobility as a service, travelers can easily find the cheapest or quickest travel itinerary with mobility-as-a-service platforms. However, travelers often have more complex preferences, e.g., the combinations of multiple requirements such as reliability, price, and walking time. For these, the functionality of current platforms is quite limited, which is due to the complexity of data processing and search algorithms.
In this talk, the current functionality of mobility-as-a-service platforms is presented, and novel approaches at route finding with complex and multiple traveler preferences are introduced. Computational complexity, as well as the usefulness for travelers, are also discussed based on two case studies with real transportation service data.


Prof. Dr. Jan Fabian Ehmke (Universität Wien)

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