Tag: Study

12. October 2022

Central first-semesters’ welcome and info fair again in presence After two years, again a colourful programme in the stadium and on the campus

7. October 2022

Happiness lessons during 2nd period TU Braunschweig pilot project starts after the autumn holidays at Braunschweig primary schools

30. September 2022

“A true highlight” The network meeting of holders of the Deutschlandstipendium and sponsors

Dr. Yvonne A. Henze, Leiterin der Zentralen Studienberatung, begrüßte die Teilnehmenden des Orientierungsstudiums 2021/22. Bildnachweis: ZSB/TU Braunschweig 29. September 2022

Try before you study! Orientation studies programme at TU Braunschweig end after four rounds

23. September 2022

This is how to get a last-minute study place at TU Braunschweig

Bildnachweis: Dennis Ruth/TU Braunschweig 21. September 2022

With distance to more safety in cycling Sandkasten project "OpenBikeSensor Braunschweig" is looking for students

Eine Gruppe Studierender posiert für ein Foto, im Hintergrund ist das Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig zu sehen. 21. September 2022

The adventure of studying abroad New support programme for international students

19. September 2022

Role Model: Jan Büssers Experiences as a First Generation Academic

14. September 2022

Tracking down traces in the mega-city Joint study trip of environmental scientists and physicists to Mexico City

Die Studentin Nazli Cesur steht auf einer Brücke. Hinter ihr sieht man die Speicherstadt in Hamburg. 13. September 2022

Mail from … Braunschweig Computer science student Nazli Cesur from Turkey talks about her studies at TU Braunschweig

8. September 2022

Erbschaften – on the trail of an institute Book presentation at the Städtisches Museum Braunschweig

22. August 2022

Role Model: Doro Bischoff Experiences as a First Generation Academic

11. August 2022

Mail from … Chile Students Simon Beike and Hannah Louisa Boog report on their stay in Chile

5. August 2022

Young Software Developers Day: These are the winning teams Homework submission management system convinces jury

2. August 2022

First Generation Academics introduce themselves Markus Henke, Professor of Electric Drive Systems, as Role Model at TU Braunschweig

15. July 2022

Show your true (rainbow) colours This was the first Tag der Vielfalt at TU Braunschweig

14. July 2022

First Generation Academics introduce themselves Prof. Beate Muschalla as Role Model at TU Braunschweig

13. July 2022

Valuable impulses through intensive exchange Positive conclusion of the first ProDiGI funding round

30. June 2022

Application? Check! TU Braunschweig checks university applications during final sprint for applications for subjects with restricted admissions