Tag: Study

14. June 2023

Athletic visit from Brazil Consultation on the curriculum for sports teacher training

8. June 2023

Start of application at TU Braunschweig Bundled offers for the study decision

1. June 2023

Ready, set, go quantum! New Master's programme "Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering" starts in the winter semester 2023/24

25. May 2023

One university, many possibilities! TU Braunschweig offers advisory services to help with choosing a degree programme

17. May 2023

Getting close to outer space New Master's programme "Solar System Physics"

12. May 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Business information systems student Iqbal Shahir from Malaysia talks about his studies in Braunschweig.

4. May 2023

How do people with dementia live? Architecture Promotion Award goes to Nele Tramp

Die Studierende lernen 4. May 2023

At the interface between technology and management The Bachelor's degree programme in Technology-oriented Management will start in the winter semester 2023/24

29. March 2023

Practice-oriented and versatile: studying Music at TU Braunschweig Register now for entrance examinations and preparatory courses

17. March 2023

Driving internationalisation forward together Workshops within the framework of the Re-Audit²

Polarlichter am schwedischen Nachthimmel. 16. March 2023

Mail from … Sweden TU students Jan Brinkmann and Lars Klingenstein were drawn to the far north for their semester abroad. They are spending five months in Sweden with the Erasmus+ programme. In “Mail from”, they talk about their experiences.

15. March 2023

Uni meets school Music project by student teachers to Rihanna song

13. March 2023

Available study places in the summer semester Apply now for free admission study places and drawing of lots

Dr. Ricarda Schlimbach. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 1. March 2023

Artificial intelligence in teaching Institute of Business Information Systems researches "Learning Companions"

7. February 2023

A pavilion for Braunschweig’s city centre Exhibition shows competition entries by Architecture students

Jana Szeimies, Referentin der Koordinierungsstelle Diversity. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 7. February 2023

Working together for a queer-friendly TU Braunschweig Focus 2023: queer@TU

6. February 2023

99 Deutschlandstipendien awarded 356,400 euros in funding for talented students at TU Braunschweig

1. February 2023

Mail from … Seoul Florian Köbbe is studying computer science in his fifth master's semester and talks about his stay abroad in South Korea.

1. February 2023

University elections 2023: The results are in! Significant increase in voter turnout