
26. July 2024 | Magazine article

The Week at TU Braunschweig │19.07.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

25. July 2024 | Magazine article

“The closer you look, the more complicated it gets” Interview with Prof. Marius Milatz

19. July 2024 | Magazine article

The Week at TU Braunschweig │19.07.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

19. July 2024 | Magazine article

Bachelor’s degree programme “Battery and Hydrogen Technology” starts Studying for a sustainable future

19. July 2024 | Magazine article

Awarded: VR learning environment for children with ADHD Students present their projects at the Young Software Developers' Day

19. July 2024 | Press release

Summer 300,000 years ago TU Braunschweig reconstructs temperature development with chironomids

19. July 2024 | Magazine article

Visitors from the IIT Bombay TU Braunschweig welcomes delegations from India

18. July 2024 | Press release

Lower Saxony Impulse Professorship goes to TU Braunschweig Christopher J. Teskey researches new methods for the formation of organic molecules

17. July 2024 | Press release

Air taxis land safely and autonomously Camera-based automatic landing system developed for Advanced Air Mobility

16. July 2024 | Magazine article

Still on the trail of the mercury secret Dr. Marta Pérez Rodríguez on her Fram Strait expedition

12. July 2024 | Magazine article

Common exchange at the summer get-together of the professors Welcoming the new appointees and international guests

12. July 2024 | Magazine article

The Week at TU Braunschweig │12.07.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

12. July 2024 | Magazine article

Secure against quantum computer attacks Best Paper Award for team of authors led by Prof. Eduard Jorswieck

12. July 2024 | Magazine article

Studying music with the “Bach Buddy” Students develop AI-assisted learning companion

12. July 2024 | Magazine article

Advancing autonomous driving and studying with video games Hands-on machine learning challenge for students

12. July 2024 | Magazine article

Venice Architecture Biennale with “Team Stress Test” Professors Elisabeth Endres and Gabriele Kiefer on the Board of Trustees of the German Pavilion

9. July 2024 | Press release

New degree programmes in sustainability and artificial intelligence Winter semester starts with three new range of courses

9. July 2024 | Magazine article

From research to a marketable business model Students develop business ideas for innovative research projects


Hydrogen research

The biggest challenge of the energy transition remains the transport and storage of renewable energies and their utilisation in the heating and mobility sectors. One solution is the use of hydrogen technologies. At TU Braunschweig, numerous institutes are working on projects, innovation labs and the SE²A Cluster of Excellence to make hydrogen fit for the future.

Autonomous Mobility

AI, sensor technology, safety and risk communication, new drive technologies and changes in mobility law and the world of work – these are just some of the fields of work in which TU Braunschweig is conducting research on autonomous driving. Here we provide an insight into projects and results.

SFB/TRR277 AMC: The Challenge of Large Scale

The Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) of TU Braunschweig and TU Munich aims with its basic research on additive manufacturing to significantly shape the digitalization of construction. Within the levels of materials and processes, computer-aided modelling, control, planning and construction, the AMC investigates resource- and energy-efficient as well as sustainable, recyclable and digital construction. Through innovative 3D printing methods, materials, processes and optimized design are completely rethought. The AMC is part of the Core Research Area "Future City".

Acht mal acht mikroskopische LEDs leuchten hell in cyan. Bei dem Chip für Quantencomputer wären lediglich feine Lichtstrahlen erkennbar.

On the way to quantum computing: Quantum Valley Lower Saxony

The research alliance "Quantum Valley Lower Saxony" bundles the expertise of more than 400 scientists with one goal: A quantum computer by the year 2025. The TU Braunschweig is primarily involved with the research focus Metrology, the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers and the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology (LENA).

Cluster of Excellence: “QuantumFrontiers”

"QuantumFrontiers" is dedicated to the fundamentals of quantum and nanometrological phenomena in order to achieve precision at the limits of measurability through quantum technologies. QuantumFrontiers involves TU Braunschweig, Leibniz Universität Hannover and the National Metrology Institute of Germany. The Cluster of Excellence is part of the research focus "Metrology".

Cluster of Excellence: SE²A

„Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation“ (SE²A) deals with the challenge of making future air traffic energy efficient while simultaneously meeting the competing demands for continuous growth and environmental sustainability. SE²A involves the TU Braunschweig, the German Aerospace Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover, the Braunschweig University of Art and the National Metrology Institute of Germany. The Cluster of Excellence is part of the joint research area “Mobility”.