Post aus …

21. May 2024

Mail from … Braunschweig Jenica Kakadia from Canada spent three weeks at Braunschweig Integrated Centre of Systems Biology

Porträt von Max Larry 11. March 2024

Mail from … Braunschweig Max Larry from Belgium spent a month at the Institute for Particle Technology

Der Student Nils Michalke steht in der afrikanischen Steppe. Im Hintergrund sind Zebras zu sehen. 5. February 2024

Mail from … Kenya Environmental engineering student Nils Michalke undertakes an internship in Nairobi

Der Student Dennis Kühn steht unter einem Torii-Tor in Kyoto. 10. January 2024

Mail from … Japan Master’s student Dennis Kühn talks about his stay abroad in Tsukuba

6. December 2023

Mail from …Graz PostDoc Cordula Reisch from the Institute for Partial Differential Equations talks about her research stay in Austria

21. November 2023

Mail from … Kosovo Teacher Training student Michaela Görg tells us about her school internship abroad

3. November 2023

Mail from … Lexington TU staff member Anne-Kathrin Kaiser took part in a Fulbright seminar in the USA

20. September 2023

Mail from … Japan Hanne Thiemann and Nicol Jaramillo report on their three-month stay in Japan

29. August 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Theo Andrews from Ireland spent three months at TU Braunschweig to conduct research in the field of Quantum Physics

8. August 2023

Mail from … Seoul Architecture student Eda Yesilyurt reports on her internship in South Korea

TU-Mitarbeiterin Henrike Hoy in den schottischen Highlands. Foto: Henrike Hoy/TU Braunschweig 1. August 2023

Mail from … Glasgow TU staff member Henrike Hoy spent a week at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The job shadowing at one of TU Braunschweig's strategic partner universities was conducted by the Erasmus+ Staff Programme

17. July 2023

Mail from … Israel Master's student Ruth Glebe traveled to Rehovot, in Israel, for a research internship

12. May 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Business information systems student Iqbal Shahir from Malaysia talks about his studies in Braunschweig.

24. April 2023

Mail from … Japan Peter Toth, research associate at the Institute for CMOS Design, reports on his stay abroad in Tokyo.

Polarlichter am schwedischen Nachthimmel. 16. March 2023

Mail from … Sweden TU students Jan Brinkmann and Lars Klingenstein were drawn to the far north for their semester abroad. They are spending five months in Sweden with the Erasmus+ programme. In “Mail from”, they talk about their experiences.

1. February 2023

Mail from … Seoul Florian Köbbe is studying computer science in his fifth master's semester and talks about his stay abroad in South Korea.

Der Student Kevin Almora steht bei Sonnenschein auf dem Braunschweiger Burgplatz. 18. January 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Exchange student Kevin Almora from Mexico shares insights about his stay at TU Braunschweig.

1. December 2022

Mail from … Irvine Five days of Summer School in California

10. November 2022

Mail from … Reykjavik TU students Aileen Brendel and Leif Tönjes talk about their stay abroad in Iceland