
19. July 2024

Summer 300,000 years ago TU Braunschweig reconstructs temperature development with chironomids

17. July 2024

Air taxis land safely and autonomously Camera-based automatic landing system developed for Advanced Air Mobility

5. July 2024

Phosphorus recycling: from sewage sludge to plant fertilise Process for struvite precipitation optimised at Braunschweig wastewater treatment plant

28. June 2024

Climate-friendly development of urban and rural areas TU Braunschweig heads two new Climate Future Labs

21. June 2024

Opening and open day of the Hydrogen Terminal Braunschweig Research along the hydrogen value chain

20. June 2024

New insights into the formation of tiny cloud particles in the Arctic Scientists from Braunschweig and Leipzig jointly investigated new particle formation over Spitsbergen

12. June 2024

In case of a black widow bite, what can you do? New antibodies discovered – with fewer side effects and without animal testing

7. June 2024

Coastal protection: innovation alone is not enough METAscales project explores sustainable approaches for safer coasts

6. June 2024

Learning happiness at school Conclusion of the TU Braunschweig pilot project

31. May 2024

CoastAdapt: Sustainable coastal protection for Niedersachsen Braunschweig, Hannover and Oldenburg to jointly establish a coastal competence centre

22. May 2024

Electromobility: wireless charging – convenient and automatable Everyday test of inductive charging station in Braunschweig

17. May 2024

TU Braunschweig supports SMEs on their way to sustainability Open call: Second round of funding starts

15. May 2024

State funds a joint Wolfsburg Campus with 11.5 million euros Objective: Research into the circular economy in the automotive industry

29. April 2024

Optimal sea conditions in Braunschweig Unique European test facility to support offshore wind research

24. April 2024

A Rare Natural Phenomenon Most common butterfly species from the Amazon region created by hybridisation

24. April 2024

BepiColombo Probe Lifts the Veil of Venus Our neighbouring planet loses oxygen and carbon to space

Bildnachweis: Christian Bierwagen/TU Braunschweig
12. April 2024

“A firm place on the aviation map” Science Minister Mohrs visits aviation excellence cluster

12. April 2024

In Hannover: quantum technology, aviation, atmospheric measurements and intelligent mobility Braunschweig research presented at Hannover Messe 2024

12. April 2024

Niedersachsen’s location for the quantum technology industry opened State and federal government open QVLS high-tech incubator at Rolleiwerke in Braunschweig