
Climate Conversation 19. Juli 2023 | 16:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr

The research project Architecture is Climate entangles architecture with the conditions of climate breakdown. For too long architecture has stood outside climate, seeing it as a problem to be fixed through technocratic intervention. Architecture as part of the modern constitution carries a dualistic view of the world: humans and non-humans, nature and technology, culture and science. Our lives and societies are structured around this attitude. But what if, as Bruno Latour argues, we have been completely wrong? What if this polarity has never existed?

Architectures and climates are not separate entities brought together in orchestrated moments. Instead, they are conditions that are produced through one another. Without the pretence of a stable discipline producing fixed objects, architecture becomes part of a febrile and disrupted world, vulnerable to its contingencies. No longer standing outside and applying superficial patches to the wounds of climate, Architecture is Climate binds the discipline and its humans to the scars, violence, and emotions of climate breakdown.

We cannot continue to ask the normative question, ‘What can architecture do for climate breakdown?’ Instead, we must ask, ‘What does climate breakdown do to architecture?’

Building upon this work, we invite you to a conversational encounter where we delve deeper into the entanglement of climate and architecture, discussing possible futures.

Our guests are:

Katharina Beckmann: Center for Climate Research Lower Saxony (ZKfN)

Juan Chacón: Zuloark, Distributed Architecture and Urbanism Open Office

Alejandro De Castro Mazarro: Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)

Gabu Heindl: Architecture Cities Economies, University of Kassel

Jürgen P. Kropp: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Rebekka Wandt: Innovercity, Leibniz University Hannover

The project is funded by the DFG and AHRC and is a collaboration between CSM London and the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and the City (GTAS) at TU Braunschweig. 

Further information: www.mould.earth and www.gtas-braunschweig.de

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