Campus Life

28. June 2024

Where football and music meet End-of-semester concerts in the spirit of football

31. May 2024

Architectural tours of the Student House and the Audimax Insights into outstanding contemporary architecture

30. May 2024

Hands-on activities offer insights into the world of science and technology TU Braunschweig presents itself at the IdeenExpo 2024

25. April 2024

European Architecture Prize goes to TU Braunschweig The Student House receives the EUmiesAward - EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture

1. March 2024

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: Start of the workshop weeks with planning teams Public evenings in the lecture hall building on the North Campus

2. February 2024

Heavy Metal A symphony concert on the instrument of the year 2024 - the tuba

26. January 2024

DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2024 Goes to Student House Competition procedure worth imitating

11. January 2024

Anti-Semitism and antiscience attitudes Panel discussion in the old town hall of Braunschweig

6. December 2023

Standardised measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from universities TU Braunschweig takes part in pilot project

24. November 2023

Student House: Award for “feather-light” construction BDA Lower Saxony Prize goes to new TU Braunschweig building

7. November 2023

Pilot Plant for Circular Battery Production CircularLab of the Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB) opened at the Research Airport

6. November 2023

Under the microscope: Motivation of nascent entrepreneurs Presentation of the Stöbich Entrepreneurship PhD Award 2023

30. October 2023

28 x Urban Development in Denmark Exhibition and discussion on the livable city

13. October 2023

Technische Universität Braunschweig named ‘Rising Star of the Year’ in Paper Atlas 2023 University honoured for increased use of recycled paper

4. October 2023

How will people live in the city of the future? Conference #SdZ23": Research and actions for positive change

29. September 2023

German Architecture Award Goes to TU Braunschweig’s Student House Architectural lighthouse is an excellent place for students to learn

12. September 2023

Sustainable aviation research for pupils Register now for the research club "changING" of the Cluster of Excellence SE²A!

7. September 2023

In-Person Kinder-Uni Braunschweig returns! "Zero Waste" lecture with accompanying podcast series

4. September 2023

Climate crisis meets urbanisation Conference "Stadt der Zukunft #SdZ23" at TU Braunschweig