Tag: International

22. June 2023

The Future of Internationalisation TU9 Conference and Evening Event in Berlin

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (3) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (2) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (1) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

15. June 2023

BepiColombo: Another flyby of Mercury Only three years until launch into orbit

14. June 2023

Athletic visit from Brazil Consultation on the curriculum for sports teacher training

6. June 2023

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Braunschweig Germany's highest research award granted to Daniel Prades from Barcelona

6. June 2023

“A unique opportunity in a career lifetime” Getting to know Daniel Prades, TU Braunschweig’s first Alexander von Humboldt-Professor

TU-Präsidentin Angela Ittel und 5. June 2023

TU Braunschweig and University of Strathclyde sign Memorandum of Understanding A successful visit to Scotland

23. May 2023

Between palaces, temples and Gangnam Style Future City Goes Global: With Dr. Stefanie John, Professor Rüdiger Heinze and Professor Eckart Voigts in Seoul

19. May 2023

An opportunity for both sides Two Ukrainian scientists enrich the mathematical dialogue

15. May 2023

Delhi – a fast-developing metropolis full of contrasts Future City Goes Global with Bartek Sawicki

12. May 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Business information systems student Iqbal Shahir from Malaysia talks about his studies in Braunschweig.

27. April 2023

Natural substances against neglected tropical diseases Visiting doctoral student from Brazil isolating potentially active substances against the parasite causing Chagas disease

26. April 2023

Jupiter mission: Boom successfully deployed Sensor from TU Braunschweig as part of the instrument package begins its work

24. April 2023

Mail from … Japan Peter Toth, research associate at the Institute for CMOS Design, reports on his stay abroad in Tokyo.

4. April 2023

When the wind turbine is in the mountains Humboldt Fellow Dr Artem Korobenko is doing research at the Institute of Structural Analysis

23. March 2023

A new start in Germany Scientist from Ukraine in the Isodrones team

23. March 2023

Highly accurate navigation for city dwellers TU Braunschweig involved in Horizon Europe project on cloud-based localisation service in cities