Tag: Environment

16. March 2022

An invitation to join the Tsa Tsa ritual Living with Yak Herders in Tibet, Part 3: 1,000 clay tablets for a deceased person

11. March 2022

Microorganisms in Lake Constance convert tonnes of ammonium Microbiologists show how important ammonium-oxidising microorganisms are for Germany's largest lake

23. February 2022

Butter tea, ba and dung walls Living with Yak Herders in Tibet, Part 2: Daily life

17. February 2022

Living with Yak Herders in Tibet Part 1: Arriving in Lhasa and Encountering pilgrims

15. February 2022

Concept for plant cultivation systems of the future from Braunschweig receives award DLG Agrifuture Concept Prize for "Spot Farming Approach”

14. February 2022

Professor Antje Schwalb reappointed to expert panel Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

10. February 2022

In the Arctic with a Helicopter Towed Probe Results of the MOSAiC expedition published

9. February 2022

Climate Change and Microorganisms in the Lower Atmosphere Rising temperatures: Natural balance in the troposphere in danger

20. January 2022

Sustainability for Marine Regions Kick-off meeting: CoastalFutures, a component of the DAM research mission, researches utilization of the sea and coasts

22. December 2021

EU test facilities join forces to advance the use of marine energy Coastal Research Center (FZK) of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Technische Universität Braunschweig join as German partner institution

17. December 2021

The diversity of plants’ water use strategies makes forests resilient to extreme drought Largest tracer experiment to date in artificial rainforest Biosphere 2

6. December 2021

The journey of the water Ilhan Özgen is new junior professor at the Institute of Geoecology and the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources

30. November 2021

The Future of the Urban Coastline Gabriel David on the new Junior Research Group "Future Urban Coastlines".

19. November 2021

10,000 metres above the Baltic Sea at the end of the project Meteorological drone of the TU Braunschweig reached its target altitude on 26 October

16. November 2021

Furry Piles in the Wave Flume New measuring device at the LWI for wave experiments in the "EnviSim4Mare" project

Vorbereitungen bei Sonnenaufgang für einen langen Messtag am BER. Bildnachweis: Falk Pätzold/TU Braunschweig 28. October 2021

Drone Measurements at Berlin Brandenburg Airport Fine dust pollution from air traffic on the ground and in the air

19. October 2021

Adaptation to climate change Large-scale implementation of vegetable production with water reuse

Professor Berthold H. Penkhues vom Institut für experimentelles Entwerfen zeigte mir und Prof. Durner aktuelle Arbeiten von Architektur-Studierenden. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 14. September 2021

Spotlight: Faculty Visits 4 – Diversity from Architecture to ZeBra The President's topics and appointments

31. August 2021

Real Labs University in the Middle of the City