Tag: Environment

25. July 2024

“The closer you look, the more complicated it gets” Interview with Prof. Marius Milatz

19. July 2024

Summer 300,000 years ago TU Braunschweig reconstructs temperature development with chironomids

16. July 2024

Still on the trail of the mercury secret Dr. Marta Pérez Rodríguez on her Fram Strait expedition

12. July 2024

Venice Architecture Biennale with “Team Stress Test” Professors Elisabeth Endres and Gabriele Kiefer on the Board of Trustees of the German Pavilion

5. July 2024

Phosphorus recycling: from sewage sludge to plant fertilise Process for struvite precipitation optimised at Braunschweig wastewater treatment plant

28. June 2024

Climate-friendly development of urban and rural areas TU Braunschweig heads two new Climate Future Labs

19. June 2024

Frozen at the North Pole – Expedition to the epicentre of climate change Alumni Talk with Markus Rex, expedition leader of the MOSAiC expedition

14. June 2024

When jellyfish float above the Oker river TU Braunschweig with two light installations on the Braunschweig Light Parcours

7. June 2024

Coastal protection: innovation alone is not enough METAscales project explores sustainable approaches for safer coasts

31. May 2024

Tree health: Making trees more resilient to stress through sulphur Collaborative project researches improved immune defence of forest trees

31. May 2024

CoastAdapt: Sustainable coastal protection for Niedersachsen Braunschweig, Hannover and Oldenburg to jointly establish a coastal competence centre

7. May 2024

When the battery goes up in flames Fire tests at the Center of Fire Safety Research (ZeBra)

3. May 2024

TU Braunschweig shines in CHE ranking with excellent student support Excellent ratings from students

29. April 2024

Optimal sea conditions in Braunschweig Unique European test facility to support offshore wind research

19. April 2024

Getting to the bottom of the soil with computer tomography Professor Marius Milatz is the new head of the Institute of Geomechanics and Geotechnics

15. March 2024

How is Braunschweig tackling climate change? Workshop process with TU Braunschweig looks for measures to adapt to more heat and precipitation

Besuch der Delegation des ISAE-SUPAERO Toulouse am Forschungsflughafen Braunschweig im Januar. Bildnachweis: TU Braunschweig/Rottig 29. February 2024

Leading European research on sustainability in aviation Technische Universität Braunschweig, Delft University of Technology and ISAE-SUPAERO Toulouse extend cooperation in aviation research

20. February 2024

From the Arctic to the peatlands of Germany Torsten Sachs is the new professor for land-atmosphere interactions

19. February 2024

#flut23: Search for photos and videos of the Christmas floods TU Braunschweig wants to improve flood protection