Tag: Awards

15. November 2022

North German Science Award also goes to Braunschweig Research project "Homeo-Hirn" awarded second prize

14. November 2022

NFL awards researcher prize and two junior researcher prizes Research Day of the Aeronautics Research Centre Niedersachsen

10. November 2022

More efficient machining systems for more sustainable production Nadine Madanchi awarded the Manfred Hirschvogel Prize

3. November 2022

NFL Research Day 2022 The latest news from sustainable aviation research

17. October 2022

Preventing “foundation exhaustion“ Award of the Stöbich Entrepreneurship Promotion Prize 2022

11. August 2022

Going for a microwave Adventure Vadim Issakov as Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 2023-2025

22. July 2022

Ten students receive “Braunschweiger Bürgerpreis” for outstanding achievements A total of 20,000 euros will be awarded

Bildnachweis: Peter Sierigk 5. July 2022

Computer scientist receives Abt Jerusalem Prize Katharina Zweig is Professor of Complex Networks and Socioinformatics at TU Kaiserslautern

Innenansicht des Audimax nach der Sanierung 2019/2020. Bildnachweis: Max Fuhrmann/TU Braunschweig 24. June 2022

Audimax shortlisted for Lower Saxony state award for architecture Award for renovation of the Kooperative Gesamtschule Leeste

Mathematiker Prof. Timo de Wolff vom Institut für Analysis und Algebra der TU Braunschweig ist neuer Sprecher der Jungen Akademie. Bildnachweis: Peter Himsel/Die Junge Akademie 15. June 2022

Prof. Timo de Wolff new speaker of the Junge Akademie Mathematics professor at TU Braunschweig elected for a one-year term of office

13. June 2022

ScienceHero Award for Melanie Brinkmann Honoured for knowledge transfer during the Corona pandemic

9. June 2022

Sarah Reisman and Christian Hertweck receive Inhoffen Medals HZI and Technische Universität Braunschweig honour researchers in natural compound chemistry

2. June 2022

Clouds at the main lecture hall return after storm Main lecture hall shortlisted for the Lower Saxony State Prize for Architecture

Dr. Esther Wenzel (links) vom Abcalis-Team nahm am Mittwoch, 30. März 2022, in Brüssel den ECEAE-Preis für tierversuchsfreie Antikörper von Dr. Corina Gericke aus dem Vorstand der ECEAE entgegen. Bildnachweis: Joffrey Legon 31. March 2022

Biotechnologists win international animal welfare award Innovative developments and applications of non-animal antibodies

24. March 2022

Three prizes for young engineers Foundation of the Chamber of Engineers of Lower Saxony awards prizes for final theses at TU Braunschweig

Mit ihrem Fahrzeug Dr.Drift holten die Karlsruher insgesamt 340 Punkte im Wettbewerb. Bildnachweis: Team KITcar/Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 18. March 2022

Dr. Drift defends its title The Carolo-Cup@Home 2022 goes to Karlsruhe and Aachen

Professor Konrad Rieck vom Institut für Systemsicherheit der Technischen Universität Braunschweig erhält den mit knapp 2 Millionen Euro dotierten ERC Consolidator Grant. Bildnachweis: Max Fuhrmann/TU Braunschweig 18. March 2022

Prof. Konrad Rieck receives ERC Consolidator Grant Funding worth nearly €2 million for project on machine learning at TU Braunschweig

7. March 2022

Cultural Award for Professor Elisabeth Endres Ingrid zu Solms Foundation honours head of the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture

15. February 2022

Dr Inka Mai receives Klaus Dyckerhoff Prize for Young Scientists Research on 3D printing of concrete awarded