Tag: Aviation

28. January 2024

“My goal is to discover beauty and complexity in the world that surrounds us” Prof. David Rival heads the Institute of Fluid Mechanics

18. January 2024

“I want to make uncertainties predictable” Ulrich Römer is a professor at the Institute of Acoustics and Dynamics

1. December 2023

Parliamentary Evening in Berlin presented research “Made in Braunschweig”

24. November 2023

Excellent mobility and energy research at the TU Braunschweig Minister of Science Mohrs learns about Future Mobility Hub

17. November 2023

NFL awards researcher prize and two young talent awards Research Day of the Aeronautics Research Centre Niedersachsen

28. September 2023

How to simulate cabin noise Noise research for new aircraft concepts with better acoustic properties

Gruppenfoto der Summer School-Teilnehmenden vom Juni-/Juli-Kurs 2023. 26. September 2023

“Summer Schools are an important instrument of internationalization” TU Braunschweig Summer Schools gather students from all over the world on campus

19. September 2023

Finally, flying! DLR_Uni_Summer_School 2023 brings students from all over Germany into the sky

13. September 2023

Sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels Federica Ferraro is a new junior professor at the Institute of Flight Propulsion and Turbomachinery

12. September 2023

Sustainable aviation research for pupils Register now for the research club "changING" of the Cluster of Excellence SE²A!

5. September 2023

“There is no silver bullet that will save the climate” Prof. Jens Friedrichs on research into sustainable aviation in the SE2A cluster

28. August 2023

Future aircraft configurations Dr.-Ing. Stanislav Karpuk heads a Junior Research Group in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

22. August 2023

Using Drones to Record Pollutant Distribution More Accurately Automated flight systems can improve air quality forecasting

11. July 2023

The future of aviation: “We need bright engineering minds!” Ingo Staack is Professor at the Institute of Aircraft Design and Lightweight Structures

10. July 2023

Students taken off again Measuring tests in TU research aircraft

8. June 2023

New large-scale research device: An eagle for sustainable flying E2AGLE - Laboratory approved for the development of new aircraft electrical systems

8. June 2023

“ALADINA cleared for takeoff“ TU Braunschweig drone prepares for use in study on fine dust pollution from air traffic

25. May 2023

A place of research in the middle of the forest TU historian researches the history of the Braunschweig-Völkenrode research site

22. May 2023

Aircraft development: exploiting synergies and flying more efficiently DFG funds new Collaborative Research Centre at TU Braunschweig