Tag: Environment

12. February 2024

INF4INiTY – a joint innovative floating offshore wind project A large EU consortium joins efforts to develop integrated nature-inclusive designs for future floating offshore wind farm technology

8. February 2024

AngryWaters – Protecting coasts from extreme events Prof. Nils Goseberg receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Der Student Nils Michalke steht in der afrikanischen Steppe. Im Hintergrund sind Zebras zu sehen. 5. February 2024

Mail from … Kenya Environmental engineering student Nils Michalke undertakes an internship in Nairobi

28. January 2024

“My goal is to discover beauty and complexity in the world that surrounds us” Prof. David Rival heads the Institute of Fluid Mechanics

19. January 2024

Strategies for dealing with extreme marine events and natural hazards Third DAM research mission mareXtreme launched with TU Braunschweig participation

15. January 2024

How Europe’s Mega-Floods Are Becoming Predictable Professor Kai Schröter on flood prevention

10. January 2024

Picture of the month: Northern lights in Sweden Natural spectacle during geophysical field campaign in Sweden

22. December 2023

Wind energy: Measurement flights in the USA successfully completed Large-scale experiment on wind wakes in the Great Plains

18. December 2023

A Look at the Future of Coastal Cities Junior research group "Future Urban Coastlines" collaborates with the University of Venice

13. December 2023

Offshore wind power: When the seabed liquefies Collaborative project investigates seafloor changes in the Large Wave Current Channel

6. December 2023

Standardised measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from universities TU Braunschweig takes part in pilot project

23. November 2023

How plants reduce stress Braunschweig researchers discover new hormone signalling pathway

21. November 2023

How to Make the Campus Climate-Friendly Students share their visions for the University Campus

13. November 2023

Soil research in times of urbanisation Magdalena Sut-Lohmann is the new Professor of Soil Science at the Institute of Geoecology

8. November 2023

The Hidden Water Under Our Feet Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources conducts groundwater research in Braunschweig

2. November 2023

Textbook knowledge turned on its head: 3-in-1 microorganism discovered Study on environmentally relevant microorganisms shows greater diversity than previously assumed

30. October 2023

28 x Urban Development in Denmark Exhibition and discussion on the livable city

26. October 2023

Feuer und Flamme für die Zukunft: Zentrum für Brandforschung eröffnet

18. October 2023

TU for Future Series of lectures on climate protection starts on 25 October