Tag: Computer Science

2. August 2023

Recognising the Unknown Review of the Deep Learning Lab 2023

21. July 2023

Secure GPS Signal in Case of Loss of Device Semester projects awarded prizes at the "Young Software Developers Day"

10. July 2023

Young Software Developers Day 2023 From Kicker-Eye to EnergyPredict: students show their semester projects

15. June 2023

Of automatic chicken coops and cocktail machines Engineers learn application-oriented programming

13. June 2023

How companies use data profitably Frederik Möller is a new assistant professor at the Institute of Business Information Systems

12. May 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Business information systems student Iqbal Shahir from Malaysia talks about his studies in Braunschweig.

30. March 2023

Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr Tim Kacprowski, Prof. Dr-Ing. Martin Eisemann and Prof. Dr-Ing. Guillermo Payá Vayá Next Generation Data Science
Next Generation Computer Vision
Next Generation Hardware Architectures

Dr. Ricarda Schlimbach. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 1. March 2023

Artificial intelligence in teaching Institute of Business Information Systems researches "Learning Companions"

Bildnachweis: Kookmin University 1. February 2023

Factories for data International research on "self-awareness" of data-centric IT platforms

1. February 2023

Mail from … Seoul Florian Köbbe is studying computer science in his fifth master's semester and talks about his stay abroad in South Korea.

Logo of the SYnENZ Symposium 2023. Photo credit: Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (BWG) 31. January 2023

Is artificial intelligence controllable? SYnENZ symposium on the interaction of natural and artificial intelligence on 15 and 16 February in Braunschweig

24. January 2023

Artificial intelligence made of light Professor Christian Werner on his cooperation with LENA

21. December 2022

With individualised medicine against depression TU Braunschweig involved in largest German study to improve depression treatment

15. December 2022

Heinrich Büssing Prize for the most outstanding dissertation at TU Braunschweig Phillip Keldenich develops strategies for solving difficult problems

1. December 2022

Mail from … Irvine Five days of Summer School in California

22. November 2022

Double period on quantum computing First MasterClass on quantum computers at Braunschweig's Wilhelm-Gymnasium

Die Okertalsperre im Harz im Oktober 2022: Anhaltende Trockenheit führt zu niedrigem Wasserstand und Baumsterben, was wiederum die Böden anfälliger und weniger aufnahmefähig für Niederschläge macht. Bildnachweis: Sándor Fekete/TU Braunschweig 8. November 2022

Drought and flood disasters EXDIMUM joint project of TU Braunschweig investigates extreme water events

6. October 2022

IT-Security Awareness Days 2022 Online event series on information security in October

Die Studentin Nazli Cesur steht auf einer Brücke. Hinter ihr sieht man die Speicherstadt in Hamburg. 13. September 2022

Mail from … Braunschweig Computer science student Nazli Cesur from Turkey talks about her studies at TU Braunschweig