Picture of the month

1. August 2022

Picture of the Month: Oregano Spice with healing properties grows in the Medicinal Plant Garden at TU Braunschweig

1. July 2022

Picture of the Month: Atom by atom towards the perfect LED From the Institute of Applied Physics

1. June 2022

Picture of the Month: False colours in the UV-LED From the Institute of Semiconductor Technology

1. May 2022

Picture of the month: Urban Street Networks for people From the SpACE Lab at ISU – Institute for Sustainable Urbanism

Close-up of a piece of fabric measuring about four by two centimeters, located at various points on the inside of a so-called ECG T-shirt. Photo: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 1. April 2022

Picture of the Month: ECG T-Shirts From the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics

Scan eines Bodenradars aus dem Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge. Bildnachweis: IMN/TU Braunschweig 1. March 2022

Picture of the Month: Navigation System for Mobile Robots From the Institute for Mobile Machines and Commercial Vehicles

31. January 2022

Picture of the month: Early Crocus, Winter Aconite, Snowdrops and Witch Hazel The perfect "timing" in the Botanical Garden

1. January 2022

Picture of the Month: Understanding How Batteries Age From the Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB)

30. November 2021

Picture of the Month: Layer by layer to a steel structure From the Institute of Joining and Welding

In the main chamber of the Photon-STM, the tip holder points from above to a pedestal made of stainless steel the size of a fingertip. The mirror of the microscope shimmeringly reflects the red illumination in the P-STM. 29. October 2021

Picture of the Month: A showroom for single atoms From the Institute of Applied Physics

1. September 2021

Picture of the month: From the inside of friction Submitted by Professor Georg-Peter Ostermeyer

1. August 2021

Picture of the Month: A special kind of treasure Submitted by Professor Johannes Wienand

1. July 2021

Picture of the Month: The quadrature of lightning From the elenia Institute for High Voltage Technology and Power Systems

1. June 2021

Picture of the Month: The Air-Raid Shelter Under the Okerhochhaus A Location of the TU-Night 2021 - Lost Places and "Future Talks"

1. May 2021

Picture of the Month: Chladni Figures In the acoustics lab: visualizing the vibration behavior of panels

1. April 2021

Picture of the Month April: Not one Cell like the Other Submitted by Professor Christian Sieben

1. March 2021

Image of the Month March: 3D Microfluidics for Customized Nanoparticles Precise production of nanoparticles as carriers for low-solubility active ingredients

Zwölf Mikro-LED-Chips auf einem Wafer. Genau so werden die späteren Bausteine für Quantencomputer aussehen 1. December 2020

Picture of the month: Biscuits for Quantum Computers From the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony

Mit Kalilauge geätzte Finnen aus Galliumnitrid 1. October 2020

Picture of the Month: Etched Topographic Map in Gallium Nitride Submitted by the Institute of Semiconductor Technology