Picture of the month

1. May 2024

Picture of the month: Trace analysis for hydrogen and battery research Laser beams for ceramic solid-state batteries

1. April 2024

Picture of the month: 3D printed filigree bridge Material-efficient lightweight structures through "Injection 3D Concrete Printing"

29. February 2024

Picture of the month: Promising solid electrolytes for high-performance rechargeable batteries Laser beams for ceramic solid-state batteries

10. January 2024

Picture of the month: Northern lights in Sweden Natural spectacle during geophysical field campaign in Sweden

1. December 2023

Picture of the month: Fire tests for more safety Timber construction and sustainable insulating material investigations at the Center of Fire Safety Research

1. November 2023

On the trail of pharmaceutical development From the Pharmaceutical Collection of TU Braunschweig

1. October 2023

Picture of the Month: Miniscule copper chestnut animals From the Institute of Semiconductor Technology

1. August 2023

Picture of the month: Glowing Moulds From the Institute of Genetics

1. June 2023

Picture of the month: Rare earth-doped nanoparticles Developing biomarkers with versatile properties at the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology (LENA)

1. May 2023

Picture of the month: The Research Engine Research on component fatigue and the construction of a digital twin

1. April 2023

This crystal is to become smaller Picture of the month from the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers

1. March 2023

Picture of the month: Organ-on-Chip Platform The Institute of Microtechnology is developing chips to research better intake of active substances in the body

1. February 2023

Picture of the month: When fibres support the concrete wall Reinforcement for 3D printing from the "Additive Manufacturing in Construction" Collaborative Research Centre

1. January 2023

Picture of the month: Wind power in snow and ice Investigations in the Braunschweig Icing Wind Tunnel by the Institute of Fluid Mechanics

1. November 2022

Picture of the month: A good drop of science Model simulations at the Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering (IRMB)

4. October 2022

Picture of the month: Five seconds of fog Precision wind measurements of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

31. August 2022

Picture of the month: Microstructure of the stomach wall – The key to healthy digestion From the Institute for Mechanics and Adaptronics

1. August 2022

Picture of the Month: Oregano Spice with healing properties grows in the Medicinal Plant Garden at TU Braunschweig

1. July 2022

Picture of the Month: Atom by atom towards the perfect LED From the Institute of Applied Physics