Honorary professorship for Dr Lars Schnieder New impulses for teaching in public transport
Dr.-Ing. habil. Lars Schnieder was appointed honorary professor of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences on 9 March 2023. The engineer, who is also known as the author of textbooks and reference books in the field of “Public Transport”, will expand the range of courses in Transportation with new relevant and future-oriented aspects.
Dr Lars Schnieder is a certified expert in systems engineering for track-guided transport and an internationally recognised specialist for train control systems. He knows TU Braunschweig well. He studied Industrial Engineering/Civil Engineering here and completed his dissertation on the topic of “Formalisierte Terminologien technischer Systeme und ihrer Zuverlässigkeit” (Formalised Terminologies of Technical Systems and their Reliability) in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
“Dr Lars Schnieder’s honorary professorship significantly enhances the teaching field of Public Transport at TU Braunschweig,” emphasises Professor Jörn Pachl, Head of the Institute of Railway Systems Engineering and Traffic Safety. In the professional world, the engineer is best known as the author of textbooks and reference books, including the standard work “Betriebsplanung im Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr”. In terms of content, he will offer courses on public transport, especially focusing on innovative technologies such as digitalisation, big data and automation, thereby also providing new impetus for research. Among other things, he will be involved in the course “ÖPNV – Angebotsplanung” (Public Transport – Service Planning). “Personally, I am particularly pleased that Mr Schnieder, one of my former students, is now returning to TU Braunschweig as an honorary professor,” says Professor Pachl.

President Angela Ittel with Honorary Professor Dr Lars Schnieder. Photo credit: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig
Helping to shape the future of mobility in research and teaching
As CEO of the Braunschweig-based company ESE Engineering und Software-Entwicklung GmbH, Dr Lars Schnieder heads a company with more than 450 employees that is part of the DB E.C.O Group. He previously worked at the German Aerospace Centre and Siemens AG / Industry Mobility Rail Automation. “The appointment as honorary professor at TU Braunschweig is both a great honour and an obligation for me. I am looking forward to actively shaping the future of mobility in research and teaching,” emphasises Dr Schnieder.
As a researcher, he has teaching experience at TU Dresden, where he also completed his habilitation at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, at RWTH Aachen and at St. Petersburg State Transport University as well as Ostfalia HAW, among others.