Cluster of Excellence: SE²A

„Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation“ (SE²A) deals with the challenge of making future air traffic energy efficient while simultaneously meeting the competing demands for continuous growth and environmental sustainability. SE²A involves the TU Braunschweig, the German Aerospace Center, Leibniz Universität Hannover, the Braunschweig University of Art and the National Metrology Institute of Germany. The Cluster of Excellence is part of the joint research area “Mobility”.

20. June 2022

Flying through turbulence undisturbed Dr André Bauknecht heads the Junior Research Group "Flow Physics of Load Reduction" in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

Das Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig im Frühling 2. May 2022

ExzellenzStärken: State supports cutting-edge research at TU Braunschweig MWK funding commitment of four million euros for preparation of the Excellence Strategy

24. February 2022

Sustainable flying by 2050 – is it possible? The podcast "Exzellent erklärt" reports on the cutting-edge research of the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

24. November 2021

Technological Leap in Aviation necessary Appointment of Professor Sebastian Heimbs

23. November 2021

A short presentation that inspires With "Paper of the Month" in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A, doctoral students present their research work

3. November 2021

Aviation of the Future: Silent, Sustainable, Electric News from sustainable aviation research at NFL Research Day 2021

25. October 2021

The future of flying is (also) electric Symposium "Electric Propulsors in Aviation" in Braunschweig

13. October 2021

Future Aviation: Research on Advanced Aircraft Designs for Green Aviation Interview with SE2A Junior Research Group leader Dr. Camli Badrya

7. October 2021

Thinking in alternatives – the “futures researcher“ Future researcher Stefanie Ollenburg develops scenarios in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

5. May 2021

Acoustic Treasure Hunt SE²A research club "changING" explored the world of acoustics

5. May 2021

Career Opportunities and Meaningfulness Professor Sabine C. Langer on the SE²A research club "changING", MINT subjects and noise research

1. May 2021

Picture of the Month: Chladni Figures In the acoustics lab: visualizing the vibration behavior of panels

29. March 2021

Life Cycle Assessment for a Hydrogen Aircraft Luisa Lindner researches at the University of Rhode Island – funded by SE²A

17. December 2020

Pores against Turbulence Save fuel with newly designed wing surfaces

5. November 2020

Be Part of our Network! New video about research, teaching and campus life at TU Braunschweig

16. July 2020

Climate friendly air transport: Position Paper of the Braunschweig Aviation Research

7. February 2020

Sustainability in Aviation: TU Delft and TU Braunschweig Join Forces Two leading Institutes of Technology in aerospace research in Europe agree on common objectives

6. July 2018

Turbulent Research: Professor Anya Jones from the University of Maryland reinforces TU research project Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation

4. May 2018

Successful participation at Boeing ecoDemonstrator program Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation