Tag: Study

7. December 2021

Manipulated deepfakes, learning algorithms for robots and curiosity for better AI TECHTIDE Conference: Three awards for AI and robotics talents from TU Braunschweig

7. December 2021

Crime Scene Chemistry Lab Dr Luzie Semmler on creativity in chemistry lessons

2. December 2021

Your questions for the reception for first-year students Various representatives of TU Braunschweig answer questions about the university and studying

One person holds up three Erasmus stickers to the camera. 30. November 2021

More Digital, Inclusive and Greener: New Generation of the Erasmus Programme has been Launched Application deadline for the academic year 2022/2023 ends on the 31st of January

29. November 2021

Mail from … Chester Alexander Hogräfer, student of the Teacher Training Course, reports on his stay abroad in England

25. November 2021

Architecture institutes help in the Eifel Students of TU Braunschweig support the renovation of a half-timbered house after the flood disaster

11. November 2021

Photo contest for the campaign #WelcomeToTUBraunschweig Judging panel selects the winners

Stephanie Tanus has received the DAAD Award for Outstanding Achievement by International Students at German Universities, which is endowed with 1,000 Euros. Photo credit: Stephanie Tanus/TU Braunschweig 28. October 2021

DAAD Prize for International Students Stephanie Tanus: “I’m proud to have been a student at TU Braunschweig”

27. October 2021

Decide Now on a Course of Study Enrollment deadlines extended

25. October 2021

Resuming Face-To-Face Teaching and Campus Life Start of Semester with a Welcome-Breakfast

Bildnachweis: Saskia Andreas/TU Braunschweig 22. October 2021

New impulses for international teaching Online Symposium on 18 and 19 November at TU Braunschweig

5. October 2021

Welcome to TU Braunschweig Social media campaign for first-semester students starts in October

24. September 2021

Multilingual study programmes as part of the internationalisation process Two new programmes start in the winter semester 2021/22

Ein Student unterhält sich mit einer Mitarbeiterin der TU Braunschweig. 21. September 2021

New Support Structures for International Students at TU Braunschweig Comprehensive offers provide support in daily university life

20. September 2021

The “Seesen Quadriga” under the magnifying glass TU Braunschweig graduate wins the promotional prize of the Society for Construction History

31. August 2021

Defend AI against pixel forgers Student Competition: The Deep Learning Lab 2021

24. August 2021

Festivity of thanks for those active in the pandemic Honour for the commitment to the Lern-Buddies project by Federal President Frank-Walter-Steinmeier and Elke Büdenbender.

14. August 2021

Mail from … Tonbridge Bachelor student Leonard Lüer reports on his stay abroad in England

17. July 2021

Mail from … Athlone Master's graduate Judith Bartels talks about her stay abroad in Ireland