Tag: Society

7. August 2023

Governance board strongly condemns theft and destruction of the rainbow flag The rainbow flag is flying again on the University Square

20. July 2023

Universal Scholar and Librarian of the Collegium Carolinum Honoured Commemorative plaque for the Braunschweig resident Johann Joachim Eschenburg (1743-1820)

13. July 2023

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: Desire for a more pleasant stay Results of the CO_NFERENZ can be viewed online

12. July 2023

Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr Julia Schöll and Prof. Dr Stefan Heuser Narrative and Ethics

11. July 2023

“Positive atmosphere ready for change” Using the future workshop method at the State Theatre of Braunschweig

30. June 2023

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: The participation process enters the second round Application for the CO_WORKSHOP in October is now possible

5. June 2023

Multi-stage participation process to accompany and prepare planning for innovative urban quarter TU Braunschweig and City of Braunschweig sign cooperation agreement on CoLiving Campus

30. May 2023

At the university and in the city: “Mobility Days – Autonom und Digital”(Autonomous and Digital) Focus on autonomous driving: "Public Day" conference and action day

19. April 2023

“Mobility Days”: Autonomous driving in the public spotlight New conference and event format developed with the city and research institutions

18. April 2023

Postdigital Participation Leibniz ScienceCampus in Braunschweig receives further funding

Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thorsten Kornblum, TU-Präsidentin Prof. Angela Ittel und der Niedersächsische Minister für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Falko Mohrs, (v.l.n.r.) haben heute einen Letter of Intent (LoI) zum CoLiving Campus unterzeichnet. 14. April 2023

On the way to a Science Quarter Land, TU and city sign Letter of Intent on CoLiving Campus

21. February 2023

BesserLesen: Reading promotion through app and AI-supported speech recognition Mobile application to promote reading skills of children

6. February 2023

Understanding playmate instead of absent breadwinner Study by TU Braunschweig and Kiel University of Applied Sciences provides insights into fathers' self-image and self-perception

Logo of the SYnENZ Symposium 2023. Photo credit: Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (BWG) 31. January 2023

Is artificial intelligence controllable? SYnENZ symposium on the interaction of natural and artificial intelligence on 15 and 16 February in Braunschweig

27. January 2023

Remembering and reminding indispensable TU Braunschweig commemorates the victims of National Socialism

23. January 2023

On the death of Prof. Carl H. Hahn Technische Universität Braunschweig mourns the death of its Honorary Senator

5. December 2022

What do scientists gain from engaging in public communications? Study with scientists of interdisciplinary research networks

2. December 2022

An open house for homeless persons Laves Award goes to Architecture graduate Malin Meyer from TU Braunschweig

17. November 2022

Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr Christian Ebner From car mechanics to dentistry - analyses of the status of different occupational groups in Germany