Tag: Physics 18. September 2020 Standard White From Ultraviolet to Infrared Irina Santourian from the Graduate School B-IGSM in portrait 24. July 2020 How Long is a Picometer? – The View of a Single Atom High resolution microscopy in LENA 1. April 2020 New Quantum State Detected Experiments with materials for future quantum computers 11. October 2016 Ultra-high data rates transmitted at THz frequencies Electronic beam steering demonstrated for the first time 14. April 2015 Rosetta-Mission: “Chury’s” nucleus is non-magnetic Braunschweig geophysicists present recent results in Vienna 28. November 2014 Rosetta-Mission: The incredible flight of the lander “Philae” Data of the ROMAP-Magentometer aids in reconstruction of flight path 12345