Tag: Physics

19. July 2022

15 Million Euros for Quantum Industry Transfer TU Braunschweig is successful with QVLS-iLabs in the Clusters4Future programme

1. July 2022

Picture of the Month: Atom by atom towards the perfect LED From the Institute of Applied Physics

25. May 2022

Free the cat with quantum gates Playful entry into the quantum world with virtual reality

2. May 2022

Europe in view, the region in focus Professor Rainer Müller in the new EU coordination body for quantum issues

5. April 2022

“I investigate the ground” Dr Matthias Bücker appointed Assistant Professor for Urban Geophysics

Benedikt Jahnel is the new professor of applied stochastics at TU Braunschweig starting April 2022. Photo credits: Dominik Butzmann 30. March 2022

The beauty of theory and its application Benedikt Jahnel is the new professor for applied stochastics

11. February 2022

Mail from … Mexiko City Physics student Johannes Hoppenbrock talks about his stay in the capital of Mexico

26. January 2022

What who should know about quantum A guide to the quantum world

15. December 2021

Magnetic Vortices in Materials Research Microscopic insights into quantum magnets by means of neutron scattering

3. November 2021

Comets in the laboratory Publication on the vacuum chamber awarded as "Editor's Pick"

In the main chamber of the Photon-STM, the tip holder points from above to a pedestal made of stainless steel the size of a fingertip. The mirror of the microscope shimmeringly reflects the red illumination in the P-STM. 29. October 2021

Picture of the Month: A showroom for single atoms From the Institute of Applied Physics

7. October 2021

Dr. Kai Exner becomes honorary professor at TU Braunschweig Appreciation for teaching excellence

1. October 2021

BepiColombo: First Rendezvous with Mercury First measurement of the magnetic field of Mercury's southern hemisphere

26. August 2021

On a grand tour through the solar system Magnetometer of the TU Braunschweig on another Venus flyby

9. August 2021

Measuring campaign on ice TU Braunschweig and TU Wien test geophysical measuring methods in the Austrian Alps

29. July 2021

Spotlight: Faculty visits 2 – Team spirit in electrical engineering, information technology, physics The President's topics and appointments

16. April 2021

Master in Quantum Technologies A degree program at the center of the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony.

Professor Patrick Recher in front of calculations on Majorana fermions 19. February 2021

In Pursuit of the Intangible The particle experiment to find Majorana fermions

The three spokespersons of the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony in a research laboratory where quantum computers are to be realized. 22. October 2020

A quantum computer by 2025 TU Braunschweig Member of Lower Saxony's Quantum Alliance