Tag: Physics

19. April 2023

Quantum sensors on the road to application Harvard University and TU Braunschweig on quantum sensor technology in biomedicine

6. April 2023

Quantum physics, guided tour at LENA and more Information day on physics for school students on 15 April

5. April 2023

Jupiter moon mission: Searching for oceans with technology from Braunschweig Live event for the launch of the JUICE mission at the Haus der Wissenschaft

5. April 2023

Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr Jessica Agarwal and Prof. Dr Ferdinand Plaschke Aktivität kleiner Körper im Sonnensystem
Vom Sonnenwind zum Weltraumwetter: Dynamische Prozesse im erdnahen Weltraum

1. April 2023

This crystal is to become smaller Picture of the month from the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers

Polarlichter am schwedischen Nachthimmel. 16. March 2023

Mail from … Sweden TU students Jan Brinkmann and Lars Klingenstein were drawn to the far north for their semester abroad. They are spending five months in Sweden with the Erasmus+ programme. In “Mail from”, they talk about their experiences.

7. March 2023

Twisted light opens up new insights Doctoral student Silvia Müllner on her journey towards the limits of the measurable

23. February 2023

Single-molecule MRI through quantum sensors Nearly five million euros in funding for MRI in the nanometre range

13. February 2023

QuantumFrontiers MasterClass in Istanbul Researchers from Braunschweig visit Turkey's top school

Der Student Kevin Almora steht bei Sonnenschein auf dem Braunschweiger Burgplatz. 18. January 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Exchange student Kevin Almora from Mexico shares insights about his stay at TU Braunschweig.

12. January 2023

Measuring individual molecules with diamond quantum sensors Interview with Professor Nabeel Aslam

Das Pyrochlorgitter, ein Nährboden für Spin-Eis, Quanten-Spin-Eis und emergente Elementarteilchen, ist das Logo des SFB 1143. Bildnachweis: Wolfram Brenig/TU Braunschweig 1. December 2022

Topology: A Revolution for Physics Third funding period approved for Collaborative Research Centre 1143

22. November 2022

Double period on quantum computing First MasterClass on quantum computers at Braunschweig's Wilhelm-Gymnasium

18. November 2022

Playing with quanta phaeno and TU Braunschweig present joint exhibits

7. November 2022

Inaugural Lectures by Prof. Dr Christoph Karrasch and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eduard Jorswieck Quantum Mechanics in Low Dimensions From Digital Communications to Quantum Networks

4. October 2022

Picture of the month: Five seconds of fog Precision wind measurements of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

20. September 2022

Impacts of space travel on the environment and climate A boost for research: How do rocket emissions and space debris affect the Earth's atmosphere?

14. September 2022

Tracking down traces in the mega-city Joint study trip of environmental scientists and physicists to Mexico City

12. September 2022

TU Braunschweig involved in NASA mission to the Jupiter system In Braunschweig laboratory measuring instruments for the "Europa Clipper" mission are calibrated