Tag: Campus Life

24. June 2022

Festival of sustainability That was TUmorrow Day 2022

22. June 2022

No limits set Junior researchers from Braunschweig take part in international competition on synthetic biology

It’s finally summer, so there are finally events on campus again! Bildnachweis: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig 20. June 2022

Events on campus – Everything that’s going on Market of Opportunities, Picnic, Science Slam and Digital Theatre

20. June 2022

Back on campus Our President’s spotlights

20. June 2022

Postdoc Day 2022 Arriving and networking at TU Braunschweig

7. June 2022

LiteraTUr Festival on the North Campus TU Braunschweig: Readings with picnic and popcorn

2. June 2022

Studying as a challenge instead of a matter of course Focus 2022: First Generation Students at TU Braunschweig

2. June 2022

Clouds at the main lecture hall return after storm Main lecture hall shortlisted for the Lower Saxony State Prize for Architecture

Professorin Julia Schöll untersucht in ihrem Forschungsprojekt, wie sich Literatur im öffentlichen Raum inszeniert und wie sie sich mit dem Zustand der Gesellschaft auseinandersetzt. Bildnachweis: Ingo Foertsch 17. May 2022

Literature creates reality Professor Julia Schöll on the "Gegenwartspoetiken – Literatur im öffentlichen Raum" project

Katrin Stump, leitende Direktorin der Universitätsbibliothek, verlässt die TU Braunschweig und wechselt zum 1. Mai 2022 an die Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) in Dresden. Bildnachweis: Privat 28. April 2022

Farewell to Katrin Stump Head of the University Library transfers to Dresden

31. March 2022

The President’s Office Hours Kick-off for a new dialogue format

Mit ihrem Fahrzeug Dr.Drift holten die Karlsruher insgesamt 340 Punkte im Wettbewerb. Bildnachweis: Team KITcar/Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 18. March 2022

Dr. Drift defends its title The Carolo-Cup@Home 2022 goes to Karlsruhe and Aachen

Neun Teams treten mit ihren automatisiert fahrenden Modellfahrzeugen beim zweiten Carolo-Cup@Home an. Bildnachweis: Team Spatzenhirn/ Universität Ulm 15. March 2022

Carolo Cup 2022 on the Home Course Student competition with self-driving model vehicles takes place online again

3. March 2022

Who will win the Carolo Cup@Home? Introducing the teams

18. February 2022

Storm hits clouds at main lecture hall Artwork dismantled as a precaution

31. January 2022

Picture of the month: Early Crocus, Winter Aconite, Snowdrops and Witch Hazel The perfect "timing" in the Botanical Garden

27. January 2022

With the whole family in Germany Computer Engineer Aaron Becker from Texas is visiting professor at TU Braunschweig

27. January 2022

Statistics and Research Design: Students Advise Students What method counselling offers

Frontansicht der Campusarena der Tampere University 26. January 2022

“A Stroke of Luck for Both Sides” International Partners of TU Braunschweig: Tampere University