Tag: Architecture

7. February 2022

Protection and training against highly infectious pathogens Establishment of a Centre of Excellence for infection prevention in Rwanda

14. January 2022

With Galka Scheyer through Braunschweig Free brochure of the Bet Tfila - Research Centre for Jewish Architecture in Europe

14. December 2021

Growing plants in a spaceship on the Oker Architecture students have built an aquaponic raft

8. December 2021

One design – three awards Architecture students in competitions and successful

30. November 2021

The Future of the Urban Coastline Gabriel David on the new Junior Research Group "Future Urban Coastlines".

25. November 2021

Architecture institutes help in the Eifel Students of TU Braunschweig support the renovation of a half-timbered house after the flood disaster

5. October 2021

Engineering sciences at TU Braunschweig particularly strong in research New DFG Funding Atlas with nationwide university ranking published

1. October 2021

Picture of the month: The clay wall as an energy store From the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy in Architecture

30. September 2021

New construction: extremely light, extremely free, extremely printed Professor Dirk Lowke on a vision for the construction industry

30. September 2021

Lightweight concrete bridges from the 3D printer New process aims to save materials and enable complex geometries

29. September 2021

Between Ancient Egyptian Architecture and Lower Saxon Mansions Professor Ulrike Fauerbach is the new Head of the Institute for Building History

Professor Berthold H. Penkhues vom Institut für experimentelles Entwerfen zeigte mir und Prof. Durner aktuelle Arbeiten von Architektur-Studierenden. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 14. September 2021

Spotlight: Faculty Visits 4 – Diversity from Architecture to ZeBra The President's topics and appointments

31. August 2021

Real Labs University in the Middle of the City

4. August 2021

Works in the greenhouse Conversion of the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture into a real laboratory

27. July 2021

In the city: the university meets the people End of semester at the living laboratory Hagenmarkt

13. July 2021

A house for the pigeons at Hagenmarkt Exhibition by Architecture students in Braunschweig's St. Katharinenkirche

15. June 2021

The Patient Room of the Future Comes to Braunschweig Cooperation between TU Braunschweig, Fraunhofer IST and Municipal Hospital

3. June 2021

The human being in urban space Professor Vanessa Miriam Carlow on the ISU Space Lab

1. June 2021

Picture of the Month: The Air-Raid Shelter Under the Okerhochhaus A Location of the TU-Night 2021 - Lost Places and "Future Talks"