Constructive experiments in architecture
How can constructive experiments in architecture be used as an innovative response to the climate crisis? This question was the subject of the conference “Constructive Disobedience”, to which the Institute of Building Construction IKON of TU Braunschweig, under the direction of Professor Helga Blocksdorf, invited guests to the Staatstheater in autumn of 2022. The publication “Constructive Disobedience – An Experimental Methodology in Architecture” is now being published.

“Constructive Disobedience – An Experimental Methodology in Architecture” summarises the projects and positions from practice, teaching and research presented at the conference. Photo credits: Patric Martin, HLA
The book summarises the projects and positions from practice, teaching and research presented at the conference. The international projects range from rammed earth buildings to studies of heterogeneous constructions and the rediscovery of natural materials such as hemp and lime.
The focus is on constructive experimentation in the service of resource and climate issues. Therefore, each contribution is accompanied by recent construction site photos and true-to-scale construction drawings. These were created by architecture students as part of a seminar at IKON.
Matthias Ballestrem, Katharina Benjamin, Helga Blocksdorf (eds.): Constructive Disobedience – An Experimental Methodology in Architecture. Birkhäuser, 2024.