Tag: Sustainability

4. August 2021

Works in the greenhouse Conversion of the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture into a real laboratory

27. July 2021

In the city: the university meets the people End of semester at the living laboratory Hagenmarkt

22. July 2021

Science Minister Björn Thümler accompanies research trip of the “Gute Küste Niedersachsen” project Research network of three universities shows "real-world laboratory" for ecosystem-strengthening coastal protection near Spiekeroog

21. July 2021

Cool and clever Spin-off from TU Braunschweig enables energy and CO2 savings in cold rooms

13. July 2021

A house for the pigeons at Hagenmarkt Exhibition by Architecture students in Braunschweig's St. Katharinenkirche

24. June 2021

For more sustainability on Campus The newly established "Green Office" at TU Braunschweig

21. June 2021

Agriculture goes “green” First pilot project to use green regional hydrogen for agricultural mobility in Lower Saxony

17. June 2021

New degree programme: International orientation and focus on sustainability Bachelor Sustainable Engineering of Products and Processes starts in the winter semester

3. June 2021

The human being in urban space Professor Vanessa Miriam Carlow on the ISU Space Lab

27. May 2021

Coastal vegetation as a natural shore protection Sanaz Hadadpour from TU Braunschweig receives De Paepe-Willems-Award

18. March 2021

Electromobility: Managing sustainability in global supply chains Dr. Christian Thies awarded BME prize for dissertation

1. March 2021

Spot Farming: Focus on Individual Plants Experimental farming with robots, drones and satellites

23. February 2021

Battery research: PhD Students Study “Black Mass” New research training group on the sustainable closed-loop production and use of lithium-ion batteries

15. April 2020

Farming With New Drives Agriculture with renewable energy supply

31. March 2020

From Shanghai directly to the home office An interview with Rudong Yang and Jan Peter Heemsoth from the Institute for Transport, Railway Construction and Operation

1. March 2020

Picture of the month: Deciphering urban regions From the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU

28. February 2020

The Week at TU Braunschweig | 28.02.2020 Our Newsletter for all Employees

28. February 2020

The Week at TU Braunschweig Newsletter-Prototype | 20. February 2020

7. February 2020

Sustainability in Aviation: TU Delft and TU Braunschweig Join Forces Two leading Institutes of Technology in aerospace research in Europe agree on common objectives