Tag: Space

15. June 2023

BepiColombo: Another flyby of Mercury Only three years until launch into orbit

17. May 2023

Getting close to outer space New Master's programme "Solar System Physics"

26. April 2023

Jupiter mission: Boom successfully deployed Sensor from TU Braunschweig as part of the instrument package begins its work

5. April 2023

Jupiter moon mission: Searching for oceans with technology from Braunschweig Live event for the launch of the JUICE mission at the Haus der Wissenschaft

5. April 2023

Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr Jessica Agarwal and Prof. Dr Ferdinand Plaschke Aktivität kleiner Körper im Sonnensystem
Vom Sonnenwind zum Weltraumwetter: Dynamische Prozesse im erdnahen Weltraum

20. September 2022

Impacts of space travel on the environment and climate A boost for research: How do rocket emissions and space debris affect the Earth's atmosphere?

12. September 2022

TU Braunschweig involved in NASA mission to the Jupiter system In Braunschweig laboratory measuring instruments for the "Europa Clipper" mission are calibrated

13. July 2022

3D printing in zero gravity Student initiative involved in DLR and ESA experiment

3. November 2021

Comets in the laboratory Publication on the vacuum chamber awarded as "Editor's Pick"

1. October 2021

BepiColombo: First Rendezvous with Mercury First measurement of the magnetic field of Mercury's southern hemisphere

21. September 2021

Sustainable transport system for commercial space travel awarded Innovation Award Lower Saxony 2021 for GAIA Aerospace e.V.

26. August 2021

On a grand tour through the solar system Magnetometer of the TU Braunschweig on another Venus flyby

28. July 2021

Spotlight: Faculty visits 1 – the “Tour de Maschinenbau” The President's topics and appointments

30. June 2021

Mail from … Braunschweig Dr. Aditya Thakur about his impressions and experiences as an international researcher

15. October 2020

BepiColombo flew past Venus Satellite with measuring instruments from TU Braunschweig on course for Mercury

13. July 2020

MOONRISE: Bringing 3D printing to the moon Moondust melted under lunar conditions

7. April 2020

Innovative Technologies for Satellites Braunschweig and Würzburg work on small satellite INNOcube

28. February 2020

The Week at TU Braunschweig Newsletter-Prototype | 20. February 2020

13. January 2020

The Sun in Close-up "Solar Orbiter" with computer technology from Braunschweig shortly before launch