Tag: Simulation

24. May 2024

Braunschweig woman is “Founder of the Year” TU Braunschweig spin-off protects orbit from space debris - CEO Kristina Nikolaus honoured

19. April 2024

Getting to the bottom of the soil with computer tomography Professor Marius Milatz is the new head of the Institute of Geomechanics and Geotechnics

19. February 2024

#flut23: Search for photos and videos of the Christmas floods TU Braunschweig wants to improve flood protection

8. September 2023

University of Melbourne and TU Braunschweig to collaborate more closely Memorandum of Understanding signed today

28. April 2023

A digital twin for final disposal TU Braunschweig research project on the deep disposal of highly radioactive waste

4. April 2023

When the wind turbine is in the mountains Humboldt Fellow Dr Artem Korobenko is doing research at the Institute of Structural Analysis

11. January 2023

Cross-country travel on the virtual railway network Digital laboratory exercise with the universities of Zagreb, Žilina and ČVUT Prague

Die Okertalsperre im Harz im Oktober 2022: Anhaltende Trockenheit führt zu niedrigem Wasserstand und Baumsterben, was wiederum die Böden anfälliger und weniger aufnahmefähig für Niederschläge macht. Bildnachweis: Sándor Fekete/TU Braunschweig 8. November 2022

Drought and flood disasters EXDIMUM joint project of TU Braunschweig investigates extreme water events

1. November 2022

Picture of the month: A good drop of science Model simulations at the Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering (IRMB)

17. October 2022

Back at the Alma Mater Visiting Professor Rainald Löhner from the USA at the Institute of Structural Analysis

Weltenburg Monastery 2021. Picture credits: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Landshut 15. September 2022

The Challenge of Unprecedented Extreme Weather Events Risk management measures in times of climate change

Professor Kai Schröter ist neuer Leiter der Abteilung Hydrologie, Wasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz des LWI. Bildnachweis: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig 7. June 2022

Against “flood dementia” Professor Kai Schröter is the new Head of the Department of Hydrology and River Basin Management at the LWI

23. May 2022

From digitalisation to internationalisation A virtual laboratory and AR technology to teach railway systems engineering

20. January 2022

Structural Analysis Becomes Dynamic Professor Roland Wüchner is the new Head of the Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics

6. December 2021

The journey of the water Ilhan Özgen is new junior professor at the Institute of Geoecology and the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources

14. July 2021

Turbo Mode Two TU Braunschweig students honored at "ASME Turbo Expo" conference

11. June 2021

The future of the energy and water reservoir in the Harz Mountains Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources simulates possible variants

1. May 2021

Picture of the Month: Chladni Figures In the acoustics lab: visualizing the vibration behavior of panels

2. July 2020

Safer Buildings Through Fast Fire Simulation A short portrait of Dr. Stephan Lenz from the Research Training Group 2075