Tag: History

19. July 2024

Summer 300,000 years ago TU Braunschweig reconstructs temperature development with chironomids

23. November 2023

Lower Saxony Science Prize for Professor Franziska Neumann and Antonia Schultz Recognised for outstanding commitment to research and volunteering

23. November 2023

275 Years of Future: Jubilee Celebrations at Braunschweig University Library

1. November 2023

On the trail of pharmaceutical development From the Pharmaceutical Collection of TU Braunschweig

23. October 2023

Federal Cross of Merit for Professor Ulrike Pilarczyk TU Braunschweig educational scientist honoured

5. October 2023

Double award winner

Xenia Steinbach, Lecturer in the History of Science and Technology…
20. July 2023

Universal Scholar and Librarian of the Collegium Carolinum Honoured Commemorative plaque for the Braunschweig resident Johann Joachim Eschenburg (1743-1820)

26. June 2023

History Teaching in the Digital Transformation Marcel Mierwald is the new assistant professor at the Institute of History

25. May 2023

A place of research in the middle of the forest TU historian researches the history of the Braunschweig-Völkenrode research site

26. April 2023

A pictorial bridge to the city’s history TU Braunschweig starts archaeological research on the medieval bridge in Hildesheim

16. February 2023

Professor Ute Daniel receives the Historian’s Award of the City of Münster Award goes to a woman for the first time

27. January 2023

Remembering and reminding indispensable TU Braunschweig commemorates the victims of National Socialism

22. December 2022

Jewish cultural heritage in the digital world Cooperation with the University Library makes digitisation of Judaica possible

8. September 2022

Erbschaften – on the trail of an institute Book presentation at the Städtisches Museum Braunschweig

4. August 2022

Climate Change and Early Man research project launched Volkswagen Foundation funds research network with 1.6 million euros

Excavations in Querumer Forst at the Institute for Architecture-Related Art. Photo credits: Dieter Beckert 28. April 2022

Inheritances – Stories from the Querumer Forst Exhibition and symposium at TU Braunschweig

21. March 2022

Ancient DNA rewrites Orkney Islands history International research project analyses Bronze Age human remains

27. January 2022

Sending clear signals and strong signs against hatred and agitation Commemorating the victims of National Socialism at TU Braunschweig

29. September 2021

Between Ancient Egyptian Architecture and Lower Saxon Mansions Professor Ulrike Fauerbach is the new Head of the Institute for Building History