Tag: Future City

31. March 2022

Red and green zones make isolation ward safer Dr. Wolfgang Sunder from the Institute of Construction Design, Industrial and Health Care Building on infection prevention through architecture

Benedikt Jahnel is the new professor of applied stochastics at TU Braunschweig starting April 2022. Photo credits: Dominik Butzmann 30. March 2022

The beauty of theory and its application Benedikt Jahnel is the new professor for applied stochastics

24. March 2022

Three prizes for young engineers Foundation of the Chamber of Engineers of Lower Saxony awards prizes for final theses at TU Braunschweig

22. March 2022

Fish become master builders Research project "MigRamp" at TU Braunschweig investigates preferred swimming paths

16. March 2022

An invitation to join the Tsa Tsa ritual Living with Yak Herders in Tibet, Part 3: 1,000 clay tablets for a deceased person

7. March 2022

Cultural Award for Professor Elisabeth Endres Ingrid zu Solms Foundation honours head of the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture

25. February 2022

Prof. Vanessa Miriam Carlow on the Board of Trustees of the Volkswagen Foundation Federal State appoints Director of the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism

23. February 2022

Butter tea, ba and dung walls Living with Yak Herders in Tibet, Part 2: Daily life

22. February 2022

The Quarter Maker Architecture graduate Ayat Tarik Kamil leads district development project

17. February 2022

Living with Yak Herders in Tibet Part 1: Arriving in Lhasa and Encountering pilgrims

15. February 2022

Dr Inka Mai receives Klaus Dyckerhoff Prize for Young Scientists Research on 3D printing of concrete awarded

14. February 2022

Professor Antje Schwalb reappointed to expert panel Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

7. February 2022

Protection and training against highly infectious pathogens Establishment of a Centre of Excellence for infection prevention in Rwanda

20. January 2022

Structural Analysis Becomes Dynamic Professor Roland Wüchner is the new Head of the Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics

20. January 2022

Sustainability for Marine Regions Kick-off meeting: CoastalFutures, a component of the DAM research mission, researches utilization of the sea and coasts

19. January 2022

Ideas wanted for the Hagenmarkt real-world laboratory Focus on the "City of the Future" research focus

11. January 2022

Spotlight: Quo vadis “Future City“? Topics and highlights of the President’s schedule

22. December 2021

EU test facilities join forces to advance the use of marine energy Coastal Research Center (FZK) of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Technische Universität Braunschweig join as German partner institution

21. December 2021

Mathematically Optimized Mobility Maximilian Merkert is Junior Professor at the Institute for Mathematical Optimization