Tag: Biology

23. November 2023

How plants reduce stress Braunschweig researchers discover new hormone signalling pathway

10. November 2023

In Paris: Great success for the Braunschweig team Young researchers win awards at the iGEM competition for synthetic biology

2. November 2023

Textbook knowledge turned on its head: 3-in-1 microorganism discovered Study on environmentally relevant microorganisms shows greater diversity than previously assumed

11. September 2023

An Erasmus+ adventure on two wheels TU student Wiebke Hoffmann traveled sustainably to Norway and back for her semesters abroad

4. September 2023

“I can imagine coming back at some point” Scholarship students from the USA visit TU Braunschweig

16. August 2023

Between experiments and savings How the laboratories of TU Braunschweig were able to reduce energy consumption

14. August 2023

The Fungi Connection: “All roads seem to lead to Braunschweig” How a graduate student’s venture into the world of forestry led to a connection that continues to grow

1. August 2023

Picture of the month: Glowing Moulds From the Institute of Genetics

9. June 2023

An ecosystem becomes visible Interdisciplinary project shows biodiversity in the courtyard of the Biocentre

9. June 2023

Chemist Jörn Piel receives Inhoffen Medal 2023 HZI and Technische Universität Braunschweig honour specialist for marine natural products

15. May 2023

Bipolar disorder: measuring lithium with synthetic biology How students want to optimise the therapy of a mental illness

2. May 2023

“I want to strengthen trust in research”. Master's student Hanna F. Willenbockel on science communication

23. March 2023

A new start in Germany Scientist from Ukraine in the Isodrones team

8. March 2023

Detective work at BRICS The Centre of Systems Biology BRICS introduces itself in a video

3. March 2023

Putting out the fire in the brain DFG Research Unit Develops a Potential Treatment for Autoimmune Encephalitis

23. February 2023

Single-molecule MRI through quantum sensors Nearly five million euros in funding for MRI in the nanometre range

19. January 2023

The secret of deep-rooted plants Dr. Matthias Beyer on his junior research group "Isodrones"

10. January 2023

Marine sediments from a depth of 8,000 metres Dr Marta Pérez Rodríguez on the “Island Impact” Expedition

21. December 2022

“We wanted a system that would allow a general practitioner to test quickly” Biology students: Silver medal for Braunschweig iGEM team