Tag: Architecture

25. April 2023

Building in times of crisis Professor Patrick Schwerdtner on price increases for building materials

17. April 2023

The role of buildings in the spread of infections Project SAVE for the protection of critical infrastructure at the BAU 2023 trade fair

Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thorsten Kornblum, TU-Präsidentin Prof. Angela Ittel und der Niedersächsische Minister für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Falko Mohrs, (v.l.n.r.) haben heute einen Letter of Intent (LoI) zum CoLiving Campus unterzeichnet. 14. April 2023

On the way to a Science Quarter Land, TU and city sign Letter of Intent on CoLiving Campus

13. April 2023

Collaborative Research Centre AMC at BAU 2023 3D printing as a key technology for the digitalisation of the construction industry

2. March 2023

Building for fire research ZeBra research building handed over for fire experiments unique in Europe

27. February 2023

Countdown for climate Students build a ClimateCrisisClock at the Institute for Architecture-Related Art

14. February 2023

Out of the drawers TU Braunschweig and HBK Braunschweig together at the Braunschweig Schoduvel with "Karneval*Diversity"

7. February 2023

A pavilion for Braunschweig’s city centre Exhibition shows competition entries by Architecture students

1. February 2023

Picture of the month: When fibres support the concrete wall Reinforcement for 3D printing from the "Additive Manufacturing in Construction" Collaborative Research Centre

11. January 2023

Optimising the resources of heritage buildings Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture develops new assessment and planning approaches

21. December 2022

Welcome to the Student House A new space for student life

14. December 2022

Department of Architecture showered with accolades Students and graduates received awards

12. December 2022

A vision for the Ägidienmarkt TU Braunschweig Architecture graduate designs floating venue

6. December 2022

A Master Builder of the “Braunschweig School” On the death of Professor Meinhard von Gerkan

2. December 2022

An open house for homeless persons Laves Award goes to Architecture graduate Malin Meyer from TU Braunschweig

24. November 2022

Cultural heritage as a resource Professor Elisabeth Endres on the joint exhibition with the State Office for Monument Preservation

4. November 2022

Mühlenpfordt – New Contemporary Art Exhibition on the Prehistory of the "Braunschweig (Architecture) School"

Prof. Jesus J. Lara und Prof. Vanessa Miriam Carlow stehen gemeinsam im Präsentationsraum des Instituts. 14. September 2022

Visiting researcher from the USA at the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism Professor Jesus J. Lara researches the influences of migration on sustainable urban planning

8. September 2022

Erbschaften – on the trail of an institute Book presentation at the Städtisches Museum Braunschweig