Press releases

27. October 2021

Decide Now on a Course of Study Enrollment deadlines extended

25. October 2021

Resuming Face-To-Face Teaching and Campus Life Start of Semester with a Welcome-Breakfast

25. October 2021

The future of flying is (also) electric Symposium "Electric Propulsors in Aviation" in Braunschweig

19. October 2021

Adaptation to climate change Large-scale implementation of vegetable production with water reuse

5. October 2021

Engineering sciences at TU Braunschweig particularly strong in research New DFG Funding Atlas with nationwide university ranking published

1. October 2021

Customised work in the nanoscale Manfred Hirschvogel Prize for Dr.-Ing. Sabrina Zellmer

1. October 2021

BepiColombo: First Rendezvous with Mercury First measurement of the magnetic field of Mercury's southern hemisphere

30. September 2021

Lightweight concrete bridges from the 3D printer New process aims to save materials and enable complex geometries

27. September 2021

PolySafe: Making Lithium-Ion Batteries Safer Research project on metal-polymer current collectors to increase the safety of lithium-ion batteries

20. September 2021

The “Seesen Quadriga” under the magnifying glass TU Braunschweig graduate wins the promotional prize of the Society for Construction History

9. September 2021

How will the buildings of the future burn? Braunschweig Fire Safety Days 2021 digital

7. September 2021

Ready for „Industry 4.0“ Freely accessible teaching and learning platform for flexible continuing training

6. September 2021

Ceremonial inauguration of TU President Angela Ittel "The entire university should shine"

1. September 2021

Prototype for Testing Autonomous Driving Functions Rollout of the modular test platform in the UNICARagil project

31. August 2021

Intelligent parking of the future Vehicles autonomously find their place in the Braunschweig research parking garage

26. August 2021

More Transparency in Artificial Intelligence AIMe – A Standard for AI in Biomedicine

26. August 2021

On a grand tour through the solar system Magnetometer of the TU Braunschweig on another Venus flyby

26. August 2021

Turbulence, Extreme Wave and Heart Rhythm – Predictions for Irregularities TU Braunschweig develops modeling methodology for dynamic systems

25. August 2021

Electromobility: Inductive Charging instead of Cable Clutter TU Braunschweig develops wireless charging technology for electric vehicles in delivery services