[we want to] KNOW MORE TU Braunschweig: Launch of awareness campaign against sexualised violence
In cooperation with the Beratungsstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Frauen, Mädchen, Jungen e.V. (Counselling Centre against Sexualised Violence against Women, Girls, Boys), Technische Universität Braunschweig is launching an awareness campaign against sexualised violence that will run for over a year. The campaign will kick off on 23 May 2022 at the Reallabor Hagenmarkt (Living Lab Hagenmarkt). All students and employees of the university, as well as everyone else who is interested, are invited!
[we want to] KNOW MORE stands for looking together and taking a closer look at sexualised violence in its various forms. The topic is omnipresent, including in institutions for higher education like universities. Studies show that 54 percent of all female students are sexually harassed during their studies. At the same time, 46 percent of the affected students remain silent about it (1). TU Braunschweig is launching a campaign to address sexualised violence in the context of higher education and to campaign for a safe analogue and digital campus.
[we want to] KNOW MORE – Awareness campaign against sexualised violence. Image credit: Isa de Bont/TU Braunschweig
Raising awareness through knowledge
At the heart of the campaign are lectures and workshops that deal with different facets of sexualised violence and address current discourses. The campaign starts on 23 May at 5:30 p.m. at the Reallabor Hagenmarkt in Braunschweig on the topic “Sexismuskritische Hochschule – Einführung und Möglichkeiten der Prävention” (University critical of sexism – introduction and possibilities of prevention). The university is a social space in which social problems and taboo topics are reflected. This also includes sexism and sexualised violence. Laura Chlebos, sociologist at the Ruhr-Uni Bochum and project coordinator of the campaign “Unser Campus” (Our Campus), will introduce the topic and focus on what situation students are in at German universities. Türkân Deniz-Roggenbuck from Kulturton will lead the lecture and discussion. Afterwards, there will be information stands and hands-on activities. A mobile kitchen will offer food for a donation.
Raising awareness through visibility
The campaign also highlights the counselling services offered by TU Braunschweig and the City of Braunschweig. Posters, postcards, social media and a website raise awareness of sexualised violence. The aim is to recognise it better and to be able to counter it preventively.
- Web: https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/know-more
- Instagram: @knowmore.tubs
Cooperation and support
KNOW MORE takes place in cooperation with the Beratungsstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Frauen, Mädchen, Jungen e.V. based in Braunschweig. Patron and active supporter of the campaign is President Professor Angela Ittel.
The campaign against sexualised violence at Technische Universität Braunschweig is supported by the Braunschweiger Kulturbesitz Foundation, the Braunschweiger Land Foundation and the Braunschweiger Hochschulbund e.V.. It is organised by the Equal Opportunity Office. Within the university, the Autonome Frauen- und Lesbenreferat (Autonomous Women’s and Lesbian Unit) and the GreenOffice are involved.
[1] Feltes et al. 2012: Gender-based Violence, Stalking and Fear of Crime. Country Report Germany. EU-Project 2009-2011. p. 18; 31ff.