24. May 2022 | Press releases:

Get a virtual taste of university life The digital Hochschulinformationstage (HIT) of TU Braunschweig on 9 and 10 June

On Thursday, 9 June and Friday, 10 June, Technische Universität Braunschweig invites you to its digital Hochschulinformationstage (HIT) 2022 (digital University Information Days). The six faculties will be presenting their degree programmes, providing information about requirements, content, the course of study and career prospects, and giving an insight into teaching and research at the Carolo-Wilhelmina in taster lectures. This is the second time that the event is being held completely online.

A total of 68 live events are on the programme: profiles of degree programmes, taster lectures and talks on topics related to studying. There will be an opportunity to exchange ideas with students in the Studi-Talk. “We decided early on to hold the HIT digitally again. This gave us more planning security and allowed us to better prepare everyone involved,” explains Dr. Yvonne A. Henze, Head of the Academic Advice Service at TU Braunschweig. Last year they had good experiences with the format. Nevertheless, she hopes that the HIT can return to bein in-person next year. In an interactive 360-degree tour, prospective students can also explore the TU Braunschweig campus virtually from afar.

Studying – how does that work?

In lectures, participants get insights into studying and information on topics such as deciding on a course of study, housing and financing: How and when do I decide on the right subject? What do open and restricted admissions mean? How much does all of this actually cost? Do I still have time for other things besides my studies? What do I have to consider when studying abroad?

About unicorns, beetroot and wave power

Visitors can experience what a real lecture is like in taster lectures. Questions such as “What does a computer have to be able to do and what do a motorbike, two gnomes and a garden robot have to do with it?”, “Why were there unicorns in the Middle Ages and where could you find them? and also “Is beetroot coloured red or purple: Which is actually true?”. Further insights into teaching and research can be found in aerospace engineering: here scientists explain the air transport system of the future. And the tasks of future coastal engineers are the topic of the taster lecture “Using wave power or protecting yourself from it?”

Virtual fair offers space for questions about studying

New this year is a virtual fair, which will take place on Friday, 10 June, from 5 to 6 p.m. and offers the chance to clarify all questions not yet answered during the two days. “Experts and students from degree programmes and service institutions will provide answers to a wide range of topics – general or subject-specific,” says Dr. Yvonne A Henze from the Academic Advice Service. In addition, some student initiatives such as the Unikino, “EUROAVIA Braunschweig” or “Consult One” will introduce themselves and report on how you can get involved and try out a variety of things in your studies.

How does the digital HIT work?

Pupils and prospective students without Abitur and with vocational qualifications, as well as teachers and parents, can take part in the virtual university information days without registering. Participants need a current browser, a stable internet connection, speakers or headphones and, if necessary, a microphone. The HIT also works with a smartphone. Registration is not required.

The complete programme is available at www.tu-braunschweig.de/hit. In the run-up to the HIT on 9 and 10 June, participants can put together an individual timetable there from 1 June.