Press releases

10. January 2022

After Liquid Follows Solid More powerful and safer: BiSSFest research project on solid-state batteries launched

22. December 2021

EU test facilities join forces to advance the use of marine energy Coastal Research Center (FZK) of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Technische Universität Braunschweig join as German partner institution

21. December 2021

IT Security: Computer Attacks with Laser Light LaserShark: Researchers investigate hidden communication via optical channels - data can be transmitted to light-emitting diodes already built into devices

17. December 2021

The diversity of plants’ water use strategies makes forests resilient to extreme drought Largest tracer experiment to date in artificial rainforest Biosphere 2

13. December 2021

Two researchers from the HZI and TU Braunschweig appointed to the Federal Government’s Corona Expert Council Melanie Brinkmann and Michael Meyer-Hermann are members of the newly created advisory body

13. December 2021

Antibodies of vaccinated or hospitalized COVID-19 individuals still recognize the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 TU Braunschweig analyzed serum samples from vaccinated individuals with new corona variant

9. December 2021

Booster for collaborative quantum computer development New ATIQ project funded by the Federal Ministry of Research has a total volume of 44.5 million Euros

7. December 2021

Manipulated deepfakes, learning algorithms for robots and curiosity for better AI TECHTIDE Conference: Three awards for AI and robotics talents from TU Braunschweig

2. December 2021

New Drug Candidates from Known Compounds Big data platform for drug repurposing presented

1. December 2021

How Proteins Clump Together Molecular mechanisms in the aggregation of proteins in membraneless organelles

25. November 2021

Architecture institutes help in the Eifel Students of TU Braunschweig support the renovation of a half-timbered house after the flood disaster

19. November 2021

10,000 metres above the Baltic Sea at the end of the project Meteorological drone of the TU Braunschweig reached its target altitude on 26 October

17. November 2021

Lower Saxony Science Award goes to Professor Arno Kwade and student initiative MethodAid Awarded for research achievements and social commitment

15. November 2021

NFL awards researcher prize and three junior researcher prizes Hybrid Research Day of the Aeronautics Research Centre Niedersachsen

9. November 2021

BionicWalker Development and research of a prosthetic fitting for partial foot amputations started

8. November 2021

Smallest Forces with Enormous Effect on Molecules Molecular regulation of changes in cell shape and cell movement measured and made visible

3. November 2021

Aviation of the Future: Silent, Sustainable, Electric News from sustainable aviation research at NFL Research Day 2021

2. November 2021

Without programming: Robots learn gripping movements from humans TU Braunschweig spin-off presents prototypes

Vorbereitungen bei Sonnenaufgang für einen langen Messtag am BER. Bildnachweis: Falk Pätzold/TU Braunschweig
28. October 2021

Drone Measurements at Berlin Brandenburg Airport Fine dust pollution from air traffic on the ground and in the air