Press releases 20. April 2023 Full-time Vice President for Digitalisation and Sustainability: Clear vote for Prof. Manfred Krafczyk Senate and University Council confirm recommendation 20. April 2023 Public Lecture Series “Buchkulturen. Geschichte und Gegenwart” From the origins of the book to the forms and consequences of digital reading 20. April 2023 Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr. Svenja Vieluf, Prof. Dr. Esther Serwe-Pandrick and Prof. Dr. Julia Gerick What is good teaching? A research field in transformation What is modern physical education? A subject didactics in transformation What does digitalisation mean for schools? An organisation in transformation 19. April 2023 Quantum sensors on the road to application Harvard University and TU Braunschweig on quantum sensor technology in biomedicine 17. April 2023 The role of buildings in the spread of infections Project SAVE for the protection of critical infrastructure at the BAU 2023 trade fair 14. April 2023 On the way to a Science Quarter Land, TU and city sign Letter of Intent on CoLiving Campus 14. April 2023 A Centre for Climate Research in Lower Saxony Science Minister Falko Mohrs hands over funding notice 13. April 2023 Science Minister visits the Research Airport TU Braunschweig gives overview of aerospace research 12. April 2023 Trade fair topics: Autonomous driving, safety in the workplace with AI and quantum technologies TU Braunschweig at Hannover Messe 2023 6. April 2023 Quantum physics, guided tour at LENA and more Information day on physics for school students on 15 April 5. April 2023 Jupiter moon mission: Searching for oceans with technology from Braunschweig Live event for the launch of the JUICE mission at the Haus der Wissenschaft 5. April 2023 Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr Jessica Agarwal and Prof. Dr Ferdinand Plaschke Aktivität kleiner Körper im Sonnensystem Vom Sonnenwind zum Weltraumwetter: Dynamische Prozesse im erdnahen Weltraum 3. April 2023 Isolation without side effects TU Braunschweig supports development of climate-friendly circuit breakers 31. March 2023 State promotes university development at TU Braunschweig Five milestones are supported with 900,000 euros 30. March 2023 Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr Tim Kacprowski, Prof. Dr-Ing. Martin Eisemann and Prof. Dr-Ing. Guillermo Payá Vayá Next Generation Data Science Next Generation Computer Vision Next Generation Hardware Architectures 29. March 2023 Practice-oriented and versatile: studying Music at TU Braunschweig Register now for entrance examinations and preparatory courses 28. March 2023 Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr Timo de Wolff A foray through applied algebra 24. March 2023 Ultra-fine particulates study starts at Frankfurt Airport TU Braunschweig involved in exposure study 24. March 2023 Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Hydrogen Terminal at Braunschweig Research Airport Aim: Research into green hydrogen production technologies 23. March 2023 Highly accurate navigation for city dwellers TU Braunschweig involved in Horizon Europe project on cloud-based localisation service in cities «‹91011121314151617›»