Press releases

21. March 2023

Chip platform for cell-based test systems Joint project works on complex animal experiment replacement systems for fundamental research

20. March 2023

Award for fair and transparent appointment negotiations TU Braunschweig holds the DHV seal of approval for five years

16. March 2023

Abitur – what now? TU Braunschweig supports young women in STEM

15. March 2023

Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heimbs Aviation of the future with hydrogen and batteries? But safely! Research for the safety of tomorrow's aircraft under crash and impact loads

15. March 2023

autoELF on the home straight TU Braunschweig installs interior and safety functions in autonomous research vehicle

13. March 2023

Available study places in the summer semester Apply now for free admission study places and drawing of lots

13. March 2023

MINIMALarchitecture – urban walk braunschweig Exhibition shows new perspectives and aesthetic facets of the Lion City in the NFF

6. March 2023

Eduroam also planned outside TU Studying and working independently of location with "eduroam off Campus"

3. March 2023

Putting out the fire in the brain DFG Research Unit Develops a Potential Treatment for Autoimmune Encephalitis

Das Siegerteam beim Pitch ihrer Geschäftsidee QUARK-O-MAT. Bildnachweis: Entrepreneurship Hub/Eric Haase
2. March 2023

What it takes to start a business Students develop business ideas at the Entrepreneurship Spring School

1. March 2023

Batteries for electric aerospace Consortium develops optimised lithium-sulphur batteries

23. February 2023

Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr Stefan Görtz Automation of aircraft design - does multidisciplinary optimisation replace the development engineer?

23. February 2023

Single-molecule MRI through quantum sensors Nearly five million euros in funding for MRI in the nanometre range

21. February 2023

BesserLesen: Reading promotion through app and AI-supported speech recognition Mobile application to promote reading skills of children

16. February 2023

Open software and hardware architecture for the vehicles of the future BMBF funds joint project for intelligent and connected driving

14. February 2023

Out of the drawers TU Braunschweig and HBK Braunschweig together at the Braunschweig Schoduvel with "Karneval*Diversity"

14. February 2023

Europe’s quantum heart beats in Lower Saxony this year Quantum Valley Lower Saxony set to host Europe's largest quantum conference in October 2023

Picture credit: Leibniz University Hannover
9. February 2023

Green hydrogen for climate-friendlier aviation Hydrogen supply concepts for aviation are investigated in the research project HyNEAT

8. February 2023

How the e-cargo bike can last longer New solutions to increase the intensity of use and extend the service life of e-cargo bikes

8. February 2023

Quantum know-how for industries and decision-makers Europe-wide network for quantum training kicked off