Tag: University Policy

13. June 2024

Senate confirms Vice President Katja Koch unanimously re-elected

24. May 2024

TU Braunschweig stands for democracy, diversity and tolerance Presidential Board endorses declaration - Company day of action on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law

22. May 2024

Statement by the Executive Board on current events at universities Commitment to diversity and living democracy

16. February 2024

Senate confirms Vice-Presidents Vice Presidents Knut Baumann, Peter Hecker and Arno Kwade re-elected

26. January 2024

The TU Braunschweig stands for democracy, rule of law, and freedom.

18. January 2024

TU9 Universities Strengthen Open Access Publishing DEAL agreements with Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley promote Open Access publishing and free access to TU9 publications

11. January 2024

Anti-Semitism and antiscience attitudes Panel discussion in the old town hall of Braunschweig

20. December 2023

Christmas greetings from President Angela Ittel Thoughts at the end of the year

11. December 2023

Foundation university information week: What are the benefits of active participation? An interview with President Angela Ittel and Vice-President Dietmar Smyrek

3. November 2023

Making urban production sustainable and efficient Technische Universität Braunschweig inaugurates research presence in Singapore

27. October 2023

Bridge between TU Braunschweig and society New University Council formed

11. October 2023

Statement of the Executive Board on the attack on Israel

24. August 2023

Theft of rainbow flag: Senate joins statement of the Executive Board Executive Board thanks for its support

7. August 2023

Governance board strongly condemns theft and destruction of the rainbow flag The rainbow flag is flying again on the University Square

31. July 2023

TU Braunschweig on the way to its vision University Development Days: Impressions and Insights

27. July 2023

What will the university of the future look like? Interview with the President Angela Ittel

22. June 2023

The Future of Internationalisation TU9 Conference and Evening Event in Berlin

1. June 2023

Valuable external expertise for university development University Council bid farewell

4. May 2023

Ask me anything – communication format for junior professors Launch with President Angela Ittel