
21. April 2020

Radar for Robots TU Braunschweig Researches Ground Radar Sensors for Robots and Self-Propelled Cars

15. April 2020

Farming With New Drives Agriculture with renewable energy supply

9. April 2020

When the Battery Runs Out Diagnosis line for the investigation of battery aging mechanisms planned

8. April 2020

Artificial Intelligence in Traffic How machine perception can be optimized by machine learning

7. April 2020

Innovative Technologies for Satellites Braunschweig and Würzburg work on small satellite INNOcube

1. April 2020

New Quantum State Detected Experiments with materials for future quantum computers

18. March 2020

Antiviral Antibodies Researchers from Braunschweig explore novel therapies for Coronavirus

4. March 2020

LiPLANET Bundles Know-how for Battery Production in Europe Development of a European Network Started

13. February 2020

Dragonflies move to the city Scientists warn humanity about worldwide insect decline, and suggest ways to recognise and avert its consequences

7. February 2020

Sustainability in Aviation: TU Delft and TU Braunschweig Join Forces Two leading Institutes of Technology in aerospace research in Europe agree on common objectives

29. January 2020

Protection against Ebola Fever through New Isolation Wards TU Braunschweig supports immediate measures to prevent infection in Rwanda

21. January 2020

Scientists show we don´t need horses to treat diphtheria Research Funded by PETA Science Group Breaks New Ground With Recombinant Human Antibodies

13. January 2020

The Sun in Close-up "Solar Orbiter" with computer technology from Braunschweig shortly before launch

20. December 2019

How Mussels, Algae and Co. Load Structures in the Sea 4.8 million euros for the "EnviSim4Mare" research association of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

11. December 2019

Plant Reaction to Heat: The Head is in the Soil A case of communication between root and shoot

25. November 2019

Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) – The Challenge of Large Scale DFG funds new CRC/Transregio at Technische Universität Braunschweig in collaboration with Technical University of Munich

20. November 2019

3D Printed Optics Additive manufacturing of components for the manipulation of terahertz radiation

11. November 2019

How do offshore wind farms change the wind? Start of a new research project on wind energy utilization in the German Bight

2. October 2019

Strategies for Sustainable Urbanisation Kick-off for International Research Project „EAST-CITIES"