
9. September 2021

How will the buildings of the future burn? Braunschweig Fire Safety Days 2021 digital

7. September 2021

Ready for „Industry 4.0“ Freely accessible teaching and learning platform for flexible continuing training

1. September 2021

Prototype for Testing Autonomous Driving Functions Rollout of the modular test platform in the UNICARagil project

31. August 2021

Intelligent parking of the future Vehicles autonomously find their place in the Braunschweig research parking garage

26. August 2021

More Transparency in Artificial Intelligence AIMe – A Standard for AI in Biomedicine

26. August 2021

On a grand tour through the solar system Magnetometer of the TU Braunschweig on another Venus flyby

26. August 2021

Turbulence, Extreme Wave and Heart Rhythm – Predictions for Irregularities TU Braunschweig develops modeling methodology for dynamic systems

25. August 2021

Electromobility: Inductive Charging instead of Cable Clutter TU Braunschweig develops wireless charging technology for electric vehicles in delivery services

16. August 2021

Digital Tools for Observing Molecular Gymnastics How to find hidden treasures in chemistry with software

29. July 2021

Federal government promotes 6G research TU Braunschweig involved in research hub

27. July 2021

Vitally Important for Life – How Does Molybdenum Become Biologically Active? Mechanism of the molybdenum insertase elucidated

26. July 2021

Measuring Wind Farm Effects over the North Sea with Two Aircraft Measurement data pool for realistic predictions of the energy yield of offshore wind farms

22. July 2021

Science Minister Björn Thümler accompanies research trip of the “Gute Küste Niedersachsen” project Research network of three universities shows "real-world laboratory" for ecosystem-strengthening coastal protection near Spiekeroog

13. July 2021

Over three million kilometres on electric patrol Positive conclusion: The police research project "lautlos und einsatzbereit" on electromobility shows many future areas of application

12. July 2021

COR-101 is Inhibiting the Emerging “Indian” Variants of SARS-CoV-2 including “Delta” Researchers from Braunschweig published preclinical dataset on the development of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody COR-101 in Cell Reports

8. July 2021

Toxic Effect of Parkinson’s Drug on Brain Cells Studied New approach for analysis of levodopa side effect (dyskinesia)

7. July 2021

New DFG Research Group Investigates Chronic DNA Virus Infections How herpes viruses and other DNA viruses manipulate cellular gene expression to establish lifelong infections

5. July 2021

The Neanderthal as an artist? Ancestor decorated bones over 50,000 years ago Find from Unicorn Cave in Lower Saxony sheds new light on ancestors' cognitive abilities

Die Abbildung zeigt eine mikroskopische Aufnahme des Maus-Hippocampus. In roter Farbe sind die A-beta-Ablagerungen sichtbar gemacht worden. Um diese Alzheimer-typischen Ablagerungen in der Maus untersuchen zu können, sind spezielle Mausmodelle notwendig, die auch von der AG Korte im Rahmen dieser Studie verwendet wurden. Bildnachweis: Holz, Korte/TU Braunschweig
28. June 2021

How Does Alzheimer’s Disease Begin? "Deep is the well of the past. Should it not be called unfathomable?" (Thomas Mann)

Etwas mehr als ein Dutzend Zebrafische schwimmen in einem Glasbehälter
22. June 2021

Key protein in trisomy 21 inhibited A new approach to a potential active agent