Campus Life

6. June 2023

It’s showtime for the TUmorrow Days! TU Braunschweig celebrates sustainability, climate protection and social justice

5. June 2023

Multi-stage participation process to accompany and prepare planning for innovative urban quarter TU Braunschweig and City of Braunschweig sign cooperation agreement on CoLiving Campus

26. May 2023

Efficient strategies for more start-ups EXIST: 150 universities inform themselves about Good Practices supporting start-ups

17. May 2023

Farmers’ market starts on campus Offer enriches campus life and life in the university quarter

17. May 2023

Plans for a university and innovation campus in Wolfsburg Expansion of the Open Hybrid LabFactory cooperation boosts teaching and research

20. April 2023

Public Lecture Series “Buchkulturen. Geschichte und Gegenwart” From the origins of the book to the forms and consequences of digital reading

Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thorsten Kornblum, TU-Präsidentin Prof. Angela Ittel und der Niedersächsische Minister für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Falko Mohrs, (v.l.n.r.) haben heute einen Letter of Intent (LoI) zum CoLiving Campus unterzeichnet.
14. April 2023

On the way to a Science Quarter Land, TU and city sign Letter of Intent on CoLiving Campus

31. March 2023

State promotes university development at TU Braunschweig Five milestones are supported with 900,000 euros

22. March 2023

Saving energy with university impulses Info evening by TransferHub of Ostfalia and TU Braunschweig

13. March 2023

MINIMALarchitecture – urban walk braunschweig Exhibition shows new perspectives and aesthetic facets of the Lion City in the NFF

6. March 2023

Eduroam also planned outside TU Studying and working independently of location with "eduroam off Campus"

Das Siegerteam beim Pitch ihrer Geschäftsidee QUARK-O-MAT. Bildnachweis: Entrepreneurship Hub/Eric Haase
2. March 2023

What it takes to start a business Students develop business ideas at the Entrepreneurship Spring School

16. November 2022

Aeronautics research for school pupils Vacancies in the research club "changING" of the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

4. November 2022

Mühlenpfordt – New Contemporary Art Exhibition on the Prehistory of the "Braunschweig (Architecture) School"

2. November 2022

Offer, search, discover: TransferHub launches digital marketplace New, free platform for companies, research institutions, universities and start-ups in the region

Blick in den Propulsor-Prüfstand - ein spezieller Windkanal - am Institut für Flugantriebe und Strömungsmaschinen. Bildnachweis: Sebastian Olschewski/TU Braunschweig
27. October 2022

On the trail of the unsolvable? Event series "The 7 Greatest Adventures in Mathematics" makes a stop in Braunschweig

5. October 2022

4.7 Million Euros for High-Tech Start-ups TU Braunschweig accelerates mobility start-ups

6. July 2022

First Diversity Day at TU Braunschweig For diversity, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination

Innenansicht des Audimax nach der Sanierung 2019/2020. Bildnachweis: Max Fuhrmann/TU Braunschweig
24. June 2022

Audimax shortlisted for Lower Saxony state award for architecture Award for renovation of the Kooperative Gesamtschule Leeste

Im SpACE Lab des Institute for Sutainable Urbanism kann man dem VR-Experiment "Move in the City" teilnehmen. Bildnachweis: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig
15. June 2022

Making digitisation tangible TU Braunschweig participates in the nationwide Digitaltag