
26. November 2021

More Effectiveness, Fewer Side Effects On the way to individualised medicine

26. November 2021

WeCare honored for social commitment Support platform of the TU Braunschweig receives "honorable mention"

26. November 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │26.11.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

25. November 2021

Virtual walk around the campus 360° tour brings TU Braunschweig home

24. November 2021

Technological Leap in Aviation necessary Appointment of Professor Sebastian Heimbs

23. November 2021

A short presentation that inspires With "Paper of the Month" in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A, doctoral students present their research work

19. November 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │19.11.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

18. November 2021

Before the concrete cracks A short portrait of Athira Vadakkekkara from the Research Training Group 2075

Das Foto zeigt ein Haus mit Garten. Die Fassade ist verputzt und zweifarbig gestrichen. 17. November 2021

External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems in Wooden Construction Less testing and more knowledge enable innovation and sustainability in construction

16. November 2021

Furry Piles in the Wave Flume New measuring device at the LWI for wave experiments in the "EnviSim4Mare" project

16. November 2021

Using AI to Design Specific Molecules in the Computer Appointment of Jonny Proppe as Junior Professor for Computer-Aided Materials Design

12. November 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │12.11.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

11. November 2021

Photo contest for the campaign #WelcomeToTUBraunschweig Judging panel selects the winners

11. November 2021

How do you become a classic (sic!) and what does Twitter have to do with it? Five questions to Nicole Holzhauser about science communication and success in science

10. November 2021

VRB Job-Abo Inexpensive and sustainable mobility option for employees

10. November 2021

Almost 40,000 kilometres cycled: TU team takes first place "Thinking about the climate is part of the ride"

5. November 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │05.11.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Am Donnerstag, 16. September, steht ein mobiles Impfteam des Impfzentrums Braunschweig zum letzten Mal vor dem Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 4. November 2021

Mobile vaccination team to come earlier Appointments on 08 and 09 November

4. November 2021

In Search of Drug Candidates in the Plant Genome Professor Boas Pucker heads the Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Team

3. November 2021

Comets in the laboratory Publication on the vacuum chamber awarded as "Editor's Pick"