
17. December 2021

Christian Thies wins BLB Challenge Cup 2021 Acknowledgement for research work on the sustainability of batteries

Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 17. December 2021

Video: Going into the winter break safely Corona pandemic: tips from virologist Prof. Melanie Brinkmann

17. December 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │17.12.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Sechs in die Montagevorrichtung integrierte Aktoren gleichen daraufhin Gravitationseffekte und Fertigungstoleranzen aus. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 16. December 2021

Aircraft Construction and Maintenance: Automated with Mobile Robots Hi-Digit-Pro 4.0: Automated assembly of landing flap modules

15. December 2021

Magnetic Vortices in Materials Research Microscopic insights into quantum magnets by means of neutron scattering

14. December 2021

Growing plants in a spaceship on the Oker Architecture students have built an aquaponic raft

10. December 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │10.12.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

9. December 2021

New YouTube Video: Campus Stories End-Of-Year Thoughts and Wishes

8. December 2021

Laboratory at TU Braunschweig for Residual Stress Analysis Successfully Accredited NOSA supports engineers (and partner) from research and industry to optimize and analyze components

8. December 2021

One design – three awards Architecture students in competitions and successful

7. December 2021

Crime Scene Chemistry Lab Dr Luzie Semmler on creativity in chemistry lessons

6. December 2021

The journey of the water Ilhan Özgen is new junior professor at the Institute of Geoecology and the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources

3. December 2021

Video: The latest on the Corona-virus situation TU President Angela Ittel in conversation with virologist Melanie Brinkmann

3. December 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │03.12.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

2. December 2021

Your questions for the reception for first-year students Various representatives of TU Braunschweig answer questions about the university and studying

2. December 2021

The Power of Networking Topics and highlights of the President’s schedule

2. December 2021

Sports Hall Becomes Test Centre Free citizenship tests are now offered on the campus

Das Bild zeigt eine Stadtsilouette mit Symbolen rund um die Mobilität 2. December 2021

On your marks, get set: Innovators wanted The state of Lower Saxony wants to promote the founding and growth of high-tech companies in the smart mobility sector

30. November 2021

The Future of the Urban Coastline Gabriel David on the new Junior Research Group "Future Urban Coastlines".

30. November 2021

Picture of the Month: Layer by layer to a steel structure From the Institute of Joining and Welding