
Prof. Jesus J. Lara und Prof. Vanessa Miriam Carlow stehen gemeinsam im Präsentationsraum des Instituts. 14. September 2022

Visiting researcher from the USA at the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism Professor Jesus J. Lara researches the influences of migration on sustainable urban planning

22. August 2022

Role Model: Doro Bischoff Experiences as a First Generation Academic

11. August 2022

Going for a microwave Adventure Vadim Issakov as Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 2023-2025

2. August 2022

First Generation Academics introduce themselves Markus Henke, Professor of Electric Drive Systems, as Role Model at TU Braunschweig

26. July 2022

“I am fighting for many solutions in climate-neutral mobility”

14. July 2022

First Generation Academics introduce themselves Prof. Beate Muschalla as Role Model at TU Braunschweig

Bildnachweis: Peter Sierigk 5. July 2022

Computer scientist receives Abt Jerusalem Prize Katharina Zweig is Professor of Complex Networks and Socioinformatics at TU Kaiserslautern

Professor Kai Schröter ist neuer Leiter der Abteilung Hydrologie, Wasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz des LWI. Bildnachweis: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig 7. June 2022

Against “flood dementia” Professor Kai Schröter is the new Head of the Department of Hydrology and River Basin Management at the LWI

16. May 2022

“We want to make the best possible use of member competencies” An interview with Dr Adrian Sonka, new Managing Director of the NFF

Svenja Vieluf ist neue Professorin für Schulpädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt Unterrichtsforschung. Bildnachweis: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig 12. May 2022

Making teaching better Svenja Vieluf is the new Professor of School Pedagogy at the Institute for Educational Sciences

Katrin Stump, leitende Direktorin der Universitätsbibliothek, verlässt die TU Braunschweig und wechselt zum 1. Mai 2022 an die Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) in Dresden. Bildnachweis: Privat 28. April 2022

Farewell to Katrin Stump Head of the University Library transfers to Dresden

26. April 2022

“I am fascinated by the complexity of metabolism” Professor Thekla Cordes new at the Institute of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Bioinformatics

5. April 2022

“I investigate the ground” Dr Matthias Bücker appointed Assistant Professor for Urban Geophysics

5. April 2022

Farewell to Professor Georg-Peter Ostermeyer The Managing Director of the Institute of Dynamics and Vibrations is retiring

31. March 2022

Prof. Manfred Krafczyk appointed to European panel on digital transformation Digital Transformation Steering Committee of the European University Association starts work in April 2022

Benedikt Jahnel is the new professor of applied stochastics at TU Braunschweig starting April 2022. Photo credits: Dominik Butzmann 30. March 2022

The beauty of theory and its application Benedikt Jahnel is the new professor for applied stochastics

7. March 2022

Cultural Award for Professor Elisabeth Endres Ingrid zu Solms Foundation honours head of the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture

25. February 2022

Prof. Vanessa Miriam Carlow on the Board of Trustees of the Volkswagen Foundation Federal State appoints Director of the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism

15. February 2022

Dr Inka Mai receives Klaus Dyckerhoff Prize for Young Scientists Research on 3D printing of concrete awarded