Prof. Manfred Krafczyk appointed to European panel on digital transformation Digital Transformation Steering Committee of the European University Association starts work in April 2022
Prof. Manfred Krafczyk, Vice President Digitalization and Technology Transfer at TU Braunschweig and Head of the Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering, has been appointed to the EUA Steering Committee on Digital Transformation. The committee is to strategically accompany the digital transformation at European universities.

Prof. Manfred Krafczyk . Credits: Gideon Rothmann/TU Braunschweig
Digital communication, data sharing, digital teaching and e-learning are just some of the new developments that universities are increasingly having to deal with. These developments require appropriate infrastructures and staff skills, but also suitable political and financial framework conditions. In this context, the institutions are both users and developers and can benefit from greater efficiency and flexibility through digitisation.
In order to strategically accompany these processes, the European University Association, or EUA for short, has established a body with nine selected members, which is to support colleges and universities in the strategic orientation of the digital transformation by April 2024, in order to develop a “high-performance digital education ecosystem”. This is one of the priorities of the EU 2020 Digital Education Action Plan, to which the EEA has responded.
The EUA represents more than 850 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. In addition to the digital transformation, the focus is on Open Science, funding, the Bologna Process, Erasmus+, Corona, diversity and inclusion, among others. As an independent organisation, the EUA seeks to influence EU policy in the areas of higher education, research and innovation.