Tag: Präsidentin 26. April 2023 Sports hall opened at North Campus An asset for sports science education and university sports 14. April 2023 On the way to a Science Quarter Land, TU and city sign Letter of Intent on CoLiving Campus 14. April 2023 A Centre for Climate Research in Lower Saxony Science Minister Falko Mohrs hands over funding notice 14. April 2023 For a safe and just climate future Katharina Beckmann on the new Zentrum Klimaforschung Niedersachsen 31. March 2023 State promotes university development at TU Braunschweig Five milestones are supported with 900,000 euros 20. March 2023 Award for fair and transparent appointment negotiations TU Braunschweig holds the DHV seal of approval for five years 17. March 2023 Baton change of the Senate The outgoing Senate is bid farewell - the new Senate takes up work 24. February 2023 Solidarity with Ukraine Statement by the President of the TU Braunschweig 6. September 2021 Ceremonial inauguration of TU President Angela Ittel "The entire university should shine" 12345