Tag: Präsidentin

11. December 2023

Foundation university information week: What are the benefits of active participation? An interview with President Angela Ittel and Vice-President Dietmar Smyrek

27. October 2023

Bridge between TU Braunschweig and society New University Council formed

26. October 2023

Feuer und Flamme für die Zukunft: Zentrum für Brandforschung eröffnet

24. October 2023

Starting their studies with aerial acrobatics and a lot of music Central reception for first-year students in the stadium in pictures and video

24. October 2023

Statement of the Executive Board on the Paint Attack at Audimax

23. October 2023

Building with the 3D Printer, Young Talent for the Microchip: Stephan Weil Visits TU Braunschweig Prime Minister learns about digital building fabrication and microelectronics

19. October 2023

TU team cycled top-notch! City Cycling: Record participation and great TU successes

29. September 2023

German Architecture Award Goes to TU Braunschweig’s Student House Architectural lighthouse is an excellent place for students to learn

20. September 2023

We are diversity Third Employees' Gathering at TU Braunschweig

8. September 2023

University of Melbourne and TU Braunschweig to collaborate more closely Memorandum of Understanding signed today

5. September 2023

UTS and TU Braunschweig to collaborate more closely Memorandum of Understanding signed today

24. August 2023

Theft of rainbow flag: Senate joins statement of the Executive Board Executive Board thanks for its support

13. July 2023

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: Desire for a more pleasant stay Results of the CO_NFERENZ can be viewed online

30. June 2023

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: The participation process enters the second round Application for the CO_WORKSHOP in October is now possible

16. June 2023

Architectural lightness for optimal learning conditions Central student house inaugurated

15. June 2023

The clock is ticking: TU Braunschweig’s ClimateCrisisClock launched Countdown for the climate at the Forum Building

6. June 2023

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Braunschweig Germany's highest research award granted to Daniel Prades from Barcelona

5. June 2023

Multi-stage participation process to accompany and prepare planning for innovative urban quarter TU Braunschweig and City of Braunschweig sign cooperation agreement on CoLiving Campus

1. June 2023

Valuable external expertise for university development University Council bid farewell